Ernest Baudoux was Born in France (1828-1897) and worked in Jersey from 1869. In 1885 he was joined in business by his son, but two years later they sold out to John Stroud.
There are 1385 photographs by Baudoux available online from the Jersaise Societe archive, they are mainly portraits, which were his speciality. Baudoux also undertook photographic commissions of clients’ houses and, working with his sons, he photographed views of the island.

This is my favourite of his photos. This is due to the relaxed nature of the person being photographed, which creates a feeling of ease when looking at it. Along with the lighting focusing heavily on him aswell. For example, the edges around the left side of the photo are pitch-black, and the rest of the background is composed of dark shades, whereas the foreground is very bright and well-lit. The photo also includes a lot of strong shapes, such as the strong lines of the sofa the person is lying on, which match up with the shape of the person themselves lying down, as well as the table and the wall behind him.