Narrative + Sequencing – Bunker

Narrative: A narrative is a story which is being told through writing, speech or photographs. Many times a narrative can be presented through all three forms. Usually the narrative is clear and easy to follow through out. Putting this in terms with a zine, the narrative of my zine should clearly showcase the storyline I am telling from the first page, and should consistently tell this story till the last page.

Describing my Zine’s Narrative:

3 words:

Jersey’s Bunker Decay

A sentence:

My rational for my zine is to tell the story of how the Jersey’s bunkers have been untouched since the war and has decayed over time, allowing us to constantly be reminded about this key period in Jersey’s history.

A paragraph:

My zine aims to showcase the decay of the war and the imprint it has left on the island. I intend to use images which focus on the formal elements of texture, shape and line in order to clearly present the decay and the abandonment of the bunkers, which will present different viewpoints towards the decay. The story being told will not just be focused on bunker’s, but also the scenery and landscapes around the bunkers in order to showcase how that area of land has been affected, as well as bringing in contextual factors of the war and Jersey. In addition, the story will follow a linear narrative (chronological order) and will have a clear start, middle and end. Following this narrative structure should clearly show the decay of Jersey’s bunkers and how the island was heavily impacted during the 5 years of the German Occupation.

Sequencing:  Sequencing is the order in which images are placed in a zine or photobook in order to present the intended narrative.

At the beginning the zine will showcase the effect of the war on the landscape with an introduction paragraph which will contain information of the war. The middle will have different styles of images (macro, different angles and focus points) showcasing the decay of the bunkers, and it will end with the way it begins, almost like a circular plot, having a landscape image looking out at the scenery. This is a brief overview of the order in which I would like my images in order to present the narrative of the decay of the bunkers.

Action Plan:

I will now produce a new blog post which will show my first attempt at placing my chosen images into a sequence which should clearly portray my narrative. I will discuss my thought process as to why I selected the chosen order and creative thoughts towards laying out the image. Furthermore, I will use this first layout as an experimentation, allowing me to evaluate my work as to what went well and what should be changed, which should then lead me on to creating a second draft.