Layout drafts for personal zine

For my own personal zine I will be making one based on the war and the sites left behind. I will be using both archive images from the war and images of my own, and will be looking to make the layout interesting and different.

First layout draft:

This is my first idea when it comes to the zine I am going to make. In this zine I have only used images which I have taken myself.

In this first draft, I stuck to my own images because I wanted to explore what was left from after the war – bunkers, cannons, ect. I wanted it to be entirely based in the modern day, with no input from images of the past because I wanted what was left of the war to tell it’s own story.

First page : Behind Barbed Wire
Pages 2 and 3 : My own image of underground tunnels at Battery Moltke
Pages 4 and 5 : My own image from a spot in the underground tunnels at Battery Moltke.
Pages 6 and 7 : My own image of the view of the bunker at Noirmont from Portelet beach.
Pages 8 and 9 : My own image of a cannon at Noirmont.
Pages 10 and 11 : My own image of war machinery at Noirmont.
Pages 12 and 13 : My own image of the bunker at Noirmont.
Pages 14 and 15 : My own image of war machinery at Noirmont.
Final page : My own image from inside an old building at Portelet.

Second layout:

In this layout I have taken both my own images and images from the archive, and have put them together to create a mix of different images.

First page : An archive image. Behind Barbed Wires.
Pages 2 and 3 : An archive image of a German solider and my own image from the tunnels at Battery Moltke.
Pages 4 and 5 : My own image of the view of Noirmont bunker from Portelet beach.
Pages 6 and 7 : My own image of war machinery at Noirmont.
Pages 8 and 9 : An image of a bunker from Jersey archive and my own image of the bunker at Noirmont.
Pages 10 and 11 : My own image of a cannon at Noirmont.
Pages 12 and 13 : My own image of a sunset at Noirmont.
Pages 14 and 15 : Archive image.
Final page : My own image from the tunnels at Battery Moltke.

Third and final layout:

This format includes most of the same images I used in my second format, however I have changed them around and put them in different places to see how the positioning of images can change my zine. I have also decided to change the name of my zine from Behind Barbed Wires to Fortress Island, as it’s shorter and reflects more of what the island is like then my previous title.

Through this draft, I have kept a warm tone with each of the images I have taken. I have done this so it contrasts with the archive images and in a way shows how times have changed since the war. The archive images are in black and white, they seem cold and unwelcoming, how one can imagine it felt like when the island was taken over during the war. And then you look at the images which have been taken in the modern day, 74 years after Jersey was Liberated from German occupation and it seems warm and inviting.

First page : Arhive image , Fortress Island.
Pages 2 and 3 : My own image of the view of the Noirmont Bunker from Portelet.
Pages 4 and 5 : My own image of the ruins at Battery Moltke.
Pages 6 and 7 : An archive image of a bunker and my own image of the bunker at Noirmont.
Pages 8 and 9 : My own images of war machinery at Noirmont.
Pages 10 and 11: My own image of a tunnel at Noirmont and an archive image of the war tunnels.
Pages 12 and 13 : My own image of the bunker at Noirmont.
Pages 14 and 15 : My own image of a sunset at Noirmont.
Final page

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