What is a narrative? A narrative is a spoken or written account which connects to events to make a story.
In order to choose a narraive for my zine i firstly looked over my images and tried sequencing images before develping the actual product. This zine will be 16 pages long and will be A5 size. Due to my project being about the Occupation in Jersey i will include my images firstly from the town shoot i did, the ‘Batterie Moltke’ bunker site, as well as the’ Batterie Lothringen’ photo shoot, the images will go together to create a narrative. The narrative i will be creating will be based on what was at the sites before the occupation, what was there in the occupation, as well as in the present day. I have decided i don’t want to use any text in my zine and it will be purely images except for the title at the front of the book.
The concept of my zine will be around the theme of location. I will be using three different locations in this project, and each section of the zine will include an order to the story of the location. The images i have taken will show the stages of the occupation through to the end liberation. Throughout these stages i will include bunker images, statues as well as updated buildings which were previously there during the war, such as ‘Boots’ and the ‘Pomme O’Dor Hotel’, i will also try to find old images of these stores.
The design of my images will include both colour images, as well as black and white. The zine will be displayed as a A5 size booklet with 16 pages to it. I will use one my own images as a front cover with simple font. For the moment i will not be choosing a title as i want my creating experience of the zine and the end product to give me inspiration for a title.
Design ideas