Zine research and analysis

Artist research: Dale Konstanz

Concrete Jungle – Mood Board

The 1st zine I looked at was Concrete Jungle by Dale Konstanz. This zine initially attracted me because of the name. I like how the words concrete and jungle contrast each other in the sense that one is man made and the other occurs naturally. I also really like how there was a semi-transparent border box around the title since it means the writing is very clear, yet we are still able to see the background image.

  • Format, size and orientation

The zine is A5 portrait, most of the images are full spread landscape images that go across both pages. This means the zine is nice and compact, yet not so small that the images cant be seen clearly.

  • Design and layout

The layout of the zine is interesting all of the images are a full bleed onto two pages. This helps the images to appear more successfully as they’re presented clearly and largely which allows details to be seen easily.

  • Rhythm and sequencing

This zine simply shows images of man made structures with nature elements. All the images go together in rhythm because they’re all double page, full bleeds meaning they complement each other well.

  • Narrative and visual concept

The zine’s narrative is interesting as it depicts images of concrete walls surrounded by natural elements.

  • Title and cover

The title is one of the things that initially attracted me. It is simple, yet effective enough that it looks aesthetically pleasing. The title’s font is simple, and black. The front cover has the title written in a semi-transparent box with another image behind it. I think this is successful because it allows the audience to see the title clearly and it’s attracting because you can also see an image behind it

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