Zine Research

A photo zine is a self-published, often handmade collection of photographs laid out in a magazine style. It can include written text and illustrations as well as photos. They are designed to display and share photo stories. A photo zine can be a single, one-off publication.

These are some layout ideas I have for my own zine:

Image result for photography zine

Zine’s have many different layouts such as landscape or portrait, different sizes like A5 to A3. This is also similar with the photos that are in the zine. Images can range in size, some may take up two pages and some are spread out through the pages. Some zines have rhythm/sequence, such as text that relates to the image or colours relating to certain images. The visual concept of the zines varies depending on what the artist’s work is about. Not all zines just have images only in, some zines also had text printed along side the image, which compliments or tells you about the photo beside it.

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