Developing and experimenting- Black and White

In this blog post I will be experimenting with radical changes with some of my favorite images. I will be experimenting with tones and contrasts in order to make some images black and white.

Here I put the image into black and white and I increased the contrast because I thought that the different colours on the guns could really stand out next to each other. I increased the whites and highlights in order to make the brighter colours even more prominent.
Final image
For this image I did something similar to my previous image. In this image I increased the contrast and shadows, and I also decreased the exposure. I dd this because my image has lots of walls facing different ways and by increasing the contrast you are able to see a variety of different tones in the photo. The darkness also symbolises how the occupation was a dark time for both the soldiers and the islanders, so i wanted a sort of aura of tragedy surrounding the images of the fortifications.
To edit this image I majorly increased the contrast because the image was quite bright, and I also decreased the exposure to make the image seem even darker. I did this because I wanted to show how the foot prints of the German soldiers are in the past and also to make the concept of the occupation feel sadder.

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