Essay – Who’s Archive is it Anyway?

Archives take old text, images, books, notes, etc. and store them so that not only can future generations learn about the past, but it also helps keep an accurate record of events, people, objects and other documents from different points in history.The purpose of an archive is to keep a collection of original documents safe as well as keeping an accurate record of the past using different kinds of documents. Many archives are now making their documents digital by scanning them into a computer in order to digitally preserve them in case something happens to the original copy. This also means that more people can access these documents in order to do research.

Archives can also show how people have developed over long periods of time. Archives provide relevant and reliable evidence by acting as repositories, which means they are similar to a server which contains sets of packages, and these packages hold information on events that happened through history. This means that people can access sets of information from documents to pictures relating to a single event in the past.

Photography plays multiple roles when it comes to archives, as they can not only so accurate depictions of buildings, vehicles, and other older objects. As well as this, photography was also used to document landscapes so people can see the change from the modern day. Photos also show certain lifestyles and people that were living at the time, which is especially useful when it comes to the occupation.Looking at archival material will help enrich my personal projects and study, as it shows a vivid glimpse into the past, which i can use to get insight regarding photographers in the past. It will also help with my study knowing the style of a lot of these photographs, as many of them use quite a deep focus with fairly little bokeh.

I think that looking at these archives has been resourceful in terms of seeing the kind of events that happened in the past in such detail. I think this will help me throughout the project surrounding the occupation, as i will have some reference points using many of the photos from the archive (of which i have photos of on my phone) as well as other that i can obtain from Société Jersiaise.I have learned of the importance of archival photographs during the visit to Société Jersiaise, as they keep an accurate record of not only what the world looked like in the past, but the people in it, and also how much things have changed.

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