Cropping in lightroom

Cropping is an important aspect when it comes to editing photos as it can cut out any unwanted factors within your images and make your viewers focus on the things which you want them to focus on.

Image number 1:

I chose this image to start with. This image was taken at Battery Moltke within the underground hallways where the ammo for the guns were kept.

After selecting the crop tool, I pulled the sides in to crop out the stuff I didn’t want. I want the viewers to focus on the hole in the wall, so I cropped out most of the wall around it, leaving in some of the dents and scratches to keep it interesting.

This was my final image after cropping it. However, I still thought that there was too much wall in the image which took the attention away from the hole, so I decided to go back to the crop tool to see if I could make it any better.

A good thing about the crop tool in lightroom is that even after you’ve cropped it, it still keeps the original image for you so if you do want to go back and make changes, it has the whole image left for you just in case. I went and pulled the box more inwards, stopping just at the dent which is in the bottom right side of the image.


Image number 2:


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