Battery Lothringen: Photomontage

After our visit to Noirmont and producing some black and white edits I moved onto physically editing the photographs in the form of photo-montage. I used a mixture of archival and my own image experiments to create the montages by physically merging the photographs together.

Above shows my first experiment with photo-montage, I used two of my own photographs to generate this final product. I wanted to create the illusion of the structure coming out of the sea. This showing the impact of the use of the water that was used to keep the island under occupation and how it was the German Navy here as well as Soldiers. I feel this experiment went well and I like how that it merges together which is why I chose to use two black and white images so that it would merge easily into one.

Above shows my second photo-montage experiment, this time using an archival image of the houses and my own image produced at the sight of Noirmont. I like how the archival image was in black and white and my own was in colour as I feel it shows the contrast and makes them stand apart from each other. Although the archival image is from a different place in Jersey and doesn’t necessarily show the buildings related to the occupation I feel I wanted to make a photo-montage of the houses coming out of the water as a hint towards the people are still here with these structures and their houses which were also under occupation.

Above shows my last photo-montage experiment, this one I wanted to try something a little different to the last two and I used only archival images to produce this one. I have chosen to have the figure leaning on top of one of the air-raid shelters. I don’t have a clear understanding of who the large figure in the photograph is but my aim was just to try generate the concept of that someone was always in control or on top watching down especially during the occupation, the people of jersey were always being controlled.

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