Replicating an archive photo

I have tried to replicate a photo from the Jersey Archive in the modern world. I tried to capture more modern items in the photo (Such as modern clothing and accessories) whilst avoiding including aspects which will give away the time this was taken in, such as a car driving past.

This is the original photo which I tried to take at the same place and angle as a photo from the occupation which I saw whilst at the archive visit.
First I have applied the Black & White filter preset to the photo, this is the most obvious step as the photo in the archive didn’t have colour.
Next I imported a frame which will give the photo a damaged/faded effect, which will make it look older and look as if it was taken closer to the time the original was.
I had to paste the frame next to itself and delete the line down the middle in order to make it large enough to fit the photo.
Next I placed the frame on top of the photo.
Then I lowered the opacity of the frame so that the middle white part doesn’t make the whole image too bright.
This is the finished image. I think it does a good job of being similar to the original with a modern twist, but without it being too obvious it is a modern image.

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