Gender identity- 2nd photoshoot

For my 2nd photo shoot I wanted to something that contrasted with the 1st. I wanted this to represent a more masculine female identity. So for this I will have my model pose in a less feminine way. In contrast to the 1st I will not have my model wearing any sort of feminine clothing (skirt), or makeup. Instead I will have her wear trousers and  baggy cardigan as it’s plain clothing that isn’t usually associated with typical females in the media.


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In this image the model is positioned in the centre of the spotlight in front of a white back drop.


In this image we see the same model from the previous photo shoot. This time she is dressed in black jeans, a black cardigan and white trainers. She’s sat on a stool with her left leg hanging off, and her left leg folded inwards. Her back is also slightly slouched so her arms can support her leg.


I think that this photo is quite effective in showing that there are variations of what people see as the “typical women”. In this image the model is wearing a lot of black, which typically isn’t a colour associated with femininity. The model is also posed in way that could be typically associated with “masculinity” as she is slightly slouching. Her long hair is also tied back  to make it less obvious, as long hair can often be associated with femininity.





In this image, the model is situated in the studio with a spot light positioned in front of her.


In the photo, we can see a female model wearing an over sized black cardigan, black jeans, a white top and white trainers. She is posed sitting on the ground with both her hands outstretched behind her.


This image, similar to the one above is effective in showing an opposite view to stereotypical dressed up females in the media. Here, the model is wearing dark and less feminine clothing. I especially like how in this image her posing is quite relaxed, as this is not normally seen in the media, such as magazine covers.








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