
Identity – In psychology, identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person (self-identity) or group (particular social category or social group). Categorizing identity can be positive or destructive. A psychological identity relates to self-image (one’s mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality -Wikipedia

  • Gender Identity – Gender identity is the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity can correlate with assigned sex at birth, or can differ from it. All societies have a set of gender categories that can serve as the basis of the formation of a person’s social identity in relation to other members of society.     – Wikipedia

  • Cultural Identity – Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person’s self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.                                                                                    -Wikipedia

  • Social Identity – Social identity is the portion of an individual’s self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.                                                                                                                                   -Wikipedia

  • Geographical Identity – An individual or group’s sense of attachment to the country, region, city, or village in which they live. The key characteristics with which a particular country, region, city, or village is associated.                                                                     -Oxford Reference

  • Political Identity –  Political positions based on the interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify.                     -Wikipedia

  • Lack of / Loss of Identity – Loss of identity may follow all sorts of change; changes in the workplace, loss of a job or profession, loss of a role that once defined us, as a child, as a parent, as a spouse. This leaves a gap, an abyss, an empty space. Such loss of identity can result in increased levels of generalised anxiety, low self-esteem, depression, a loss of self-confidence, social anxiety, isolation, chronic loneliness, all of which threaten our ability to connect with other people.                                                                                            -

My initial instinct thoughts about identity and place are very varied. Personally, I am being drawn to lack of/loss of identity, due to the nature of being able to heavily experiment with props and photoshop. I feel that I would be able to express clear view points about loosing an identity through my photography. Moreover, I am also liking the idea of social identity as I would be able to explore more serious topics which are relevant to todays society. Although this would provide many opportunity’s, I feel I would be able to produce a stronger outcome and more in-depth if I went down the loss of identity root.

Loss of Identity:

Mood Board
Initial Thoughts and Ideas

Identity and place

The identity of a person is the characteristics they have that distinguish them from others. One’s identity can be influenced by many factors such as place, belonging, environment or upbringing. Identity can be explored through multiple forms, especially through photography, and many photographers have expressed their identity through their work.

Types of identity

Gender identity: how a person sees themselves. Only the individual can determine their own gender identity. Many people have a gender identity of a man or woman, but some people do not. People who do not identify as a man or a woman may identify as both genders, neither, between genders, or not gendered at all.

Cultural identity: the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person’s self conception and self perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.

Social identity: how we identify ourselves in relation to others according to what we have in common.

Geographical identity: An individual or group’s sense of attachment to the country, region, city or village in which they live.

Political identity: a specific political party affiliation or partisan identity. Political identity can be shaped by race. Another possible factor that shapes political identity can be economic class.

Lack of / loss of identity: People who have no idea who they are or what they believe in. Sometimes they say that they simply feel non existent

My attempt at photo montages

After looking at the work of Peter Kennard, I was inspired to also make montages that express my opinions and views on political matters that are currently happening in the world.

All images used are not mine.

This photo montage about Brexit. In the background I put an image of anti-brexit protesters, and covered it with an image of Theresa May, a faded EU flag and newspaper headlines. The fact that the protesters are being covered by the other layers, symbolises how their views are being neglected and not particularly cared about. The faded EU flag is symbolic in showing how, little by little, Britain is no longer fully part of the European Union and continues to make plans to leave. The particular image of May that I chose, displays her looking rather confused and not particularly sure in what shes doing as this represents that fact that some people view her as not being a good enough leader to take Britain out of the EU on successful terms as the the UK’s economy and social stability may be effected by the decision for Britain to leave the EU. The newspaper headings contrast hugely with the expression on May’s face, as 2 of them show quotes where she sounds like a strong, and capable leader. This contrast represents the fact that many people are divided on whether or not Brexit is a positive thing or not. The third newspaper headline is a negative one showing the other side of the argument.


For this next photo montage I wanted to do something more creative and fun. For this montage I used an image i took of someone sitting down, and i also used a picture I took of the same model’s arm. I duplicated the arm several times and changed the colours. I then used a galaxy background from google. There is no specific underlying concept within this image, but i think its a very interesting montage just because it looks very unusual and unrealistic.

Identity and Place

In psychology, identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person (self-identity) or group (particular social category or social group). A psychological identity relates to self-image (one’s mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality.

For this topic of interest, identity and place of a person is to be explored. They can be explored through the ideas of gender identity, cultural identity, social identity, geographical identity, political identity
lack of,  loss of identity. 


Identity and Place Stimulus and Response

psychological identity relates to self image (one's mental model of oneself), self-esteem, and individuality.

In psychology, identity is the qualities, beliefs, personality, looks and/or expressions that make a person (self identity) or group (particular social category or social group).  Categorizing identity can be positive or destructive.

Gender identity is the personal sense of one’s own gender. Gender identity can correlate with assigned sex at birth, or can differ from it.

Social identity is the portion of an individual’s self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.

Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group.  For example religion, class, ethnicity etc.

loss of identity  can sometimes be accompanied by a loss of self-worth.  Not having a part of individuality.

Geographical identity is an individual or group’s sense of attachment to the country, region, city, or village in which they live.

Mood Board of Identity Portraits

Cultural identity is the identity or feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person’s self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.

Social Identity is the portion of an individual’s self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.  Social identity theory is described as a theory that predicts certain inter-group behaviors on the basis of perceived group status differences, the perceived legitimacy and stability of those status differences, and the perceived ability to move from one group to another.

These are the two identities I feel I would like to explore into a bit more depth into the mock exam and for my final prints.  Photographers that I have enjoyed exploring and researching which I feel I would like to find my inspiration from have been Philip-Lorca diCorcia.

Philip-Lorca diCorica’s work has a cinematic feel to it which I enjoy and would like to bring through, it looks like they could be screenshots from films which I enjoy and is something I would like to try and create and would need the work of Tableaux.

My initial ideas are to have a series of photographs in a collective group around the theme of Identity and then work back into the photographs with writing or initially writing on the persons hands or a visible feature in the photograph relating to their identity.

My Previous Case Study on Philip-Lorca diCorcia

Philip-Lorca diCorcia

Identity and place — ideas*

The style I want to follow is one that shows “When Time was Prime”. This is in the style of the american photographer Richard Koenig and his work with pictures hanging in a scene, they depict the scene but when it was older and full of life. 

The main area of his work that I will be looking at is the ones where he has a photo he has frames the picture in the scene and suspended it in front of the real area to show a different time.

My main inspiration for it is this image where he has shown the man sitting in his chair in the two images that are hanging up and in between you can see a gap where the man is missing.

Image result for Richard Koenig

This image to me represents loss and the lack of the identity of the area and the subject, because the chair that he once sat in now lies empty and unfilled, also Koenig has used a shallow depth of field to make the chair and the background have less detail and to make it so that the viewer focuses on the photos and ‘what it was’ rather than what it is.

Identity Introduction

Identity is defined as “the characteristics determining who or what a person or thing is”. This can be influenced by various factors including geographical or cultural influences. There have been arguments relating to the importance of nature vs. nurture and which has a larger impact on ones identity.

Different Types of Identity in Photography

Gender Identity:  This is the idea of using gender to define ones identity. This is an idea often explored by various photographers/ artists such as Lorna Simpson. This work varies from more abstract pieces exploring the idea of gender identity crossing over to loss of identity to ides of empowerment in her work.

Image result for Lorna simpsonImage result for lorna simpson

Cultural Identity: This is the idea of exploring culture and how it affects a persons identity. this can range from exploring how various cultures are portrayed/ stereotyped as well as being used to give a better insight into the reality of their culture. This has been explored by artists such as Paul Sepuya.

Image result for Paul Sepuya photography

Social Identity: Social identity relates to the idea that a person can be the surrounding community, this is the same idea as the ‘nurture’ aspect of nature vs. nurture. This also relates to the idea that social pressure can change someones identity on a fundamental level through peer pressure etc. This has been explored by photographers such as Robert Frank, his work explores the influence of the ideals of their community on ones identity including ideas such as nationalism. However this piece also relates to the idea of Geographical/ political identity.

Image result for robert frank

Loss of/ Lack of identity: This is an idea that someones identity can be stripped from them either by some form of disaster or by social out casting. This is often explored in conjunction with other forms of identity such as some of Lorna Simpsons work. This is an idea also commonly explored using a surrealist approach.

Image result for francesca woodman


Richard Koenig case study — identity and place*

Born in 1960, Richard Koenig received his BFA from Pratt Institute. In 1998 he received his MFA from Indiana University and began teaching art and photography courses at Kalamazoo College, Michigan.  Koenig has done lots of work but the portfolio of his that I am focusing on is called “Inserts/Koans”. In this he takes old prints and of images showing a frame with something or someone in then in the same framing he removes the main subject and then takes another picture with the first photo with the main subject in suspended in front of the new framing with the area lined up and the main markings lined up.

The effect of these images is that the viewer sees the image before it has undergone change or before something has been removed. And i have chosen this for identity and place because I can depict something that has lost its identity and is missing the identity that it had before when the main subject was there.