Photo shoot 2 – Masks


The aim of this photo shoot is to clearly show my response to Saul Seinberg and mask photography. As mentioned before I felt that Seinberg’s work presented too much of an identity and therefore conducted research into mask photography.  In this photo shoot I will be using two types of masks, a whole face mask and a half face mask, in order to present the theme of loss of identity. The location of this photo shoot will be both indoors and outdoors, to gain a mixture of environments. I want to be able to use natural lighting throughout this shoot, in order to make the images seem more natural. Doing this will present the theme of loss of identity as a more natural and realistic occurrence, making viewers more aware of the idea that someone can loose their identity. I will be keep the camera settings pretty standard, with the shutter speed being quick, the ISO on 400-800 and the white balance being on daylight. On Occasion I will alter the shutter speed and ISO in order to make the images seem lighter and darker depending of the location of the image and how I envision the final image to look like. I will direct my model to sit in different positions, do different actions and to look in certain places which will ensure that the images taken are how I want them to look.

Contact Sheets

To evaluate this photo shoot I felt that I have been able to produce some strong outcomes towards mask photography. I looked at surrealism within mask photography, bed cover over head, and a more naturalistic look with a plain white mask. I felt that I was able to successfully meet the aim of this photo shoot. In the editing process I want to ensure that all personality and identity is extracted from these images, so I will look at adjusting the levels, curves, hue and saturation. I want to be able to create a eerie and sinister tone to the final outcomes, to represent the eerie and sinister feelings people gain when they loose their identity.

Final images photoshoot – Identity

For my ‘final ideas’ photo shoot, I wanted to piece together all of my ideas together i did this by deciding to do self portraits because it meant I could portray the ideas I wanted to get across from personal experience. I also did this so that the wrong message wasn’t put across. 

As my setting I used a shower (which represents being isolated from the outside world – a safe place) and for my more basic portraits I used a basic set up of a black cloth, a tripod and a 10 second camera timer. This all together reflected my idea of inner emotions escaping my mind.


Final ideas – Artist Researches

For my final piece, I am focusing on  ‘Mental Identity’:  inner state of identity. I will focus more on how behind closed doors, no one knows how they truly impact someone else and the effect on their emotions. 

Artist References

Gabriella Mendez

I admire Mendez’  work due to her perspective and imagination shrouding colours complimenting skin tones. She also uses stickers, projections and objects to portray her ideas of fashion and culture. I  really admired her idea of using appliques and drawings on faces to reflect a certain idea. 



Mendez’ work often displays a colourful background with one/two people as the centre focus. In these images she has used bold solid coloured back drops, she then correlates the costume and make up with this colour scheme. With the photo on the left Mendez has correlated the eye and foliage make up to the off-mustard background, then has a contrasting top on the model to vary where the eye’s attention else where. Within the picture on the left however Mendez has made it so that the models foliage and top to contrast the background. This collectively draws the direct attention to the models neutral face in contrast to the boldly coloured extras.


In order to create this image Mendez has used a warm toned soft box light so that light isn’t direct, its even dispersed within the studio. During the editing process she has increased the images saturation and contrast to make the image soft and not harsh with lots of colours happening.


Francesca Woodman

Francesca Stern Woodman was an American photographer best known for her black and white pictures featuring either herself or female models. Many of her photographs show women, naked or clothed, blurred, merging with their surroundings, or whose faces are obscured.

What I admire about Woodman’s work is how she uses her self as the centre focus: she uses her self to reflect her feelings towards her belonging and how she felt about not feeling like the standard person. I originally used this idea to project my emotions and thoughts about myself not fitting into the mold everyone around me has created for me. 



Within this composition, Woodman has used her body to curve around the wall, she is peaking around the corner at her reflection (given off by a mirror on the floor). This in my opinion gives the feeling of searching, and in Woodman’s case searching for herself. This self portrait is set within a decaying empty room with once painted white walls and hard concrete floors. This contrast between her body and the harsh man made structures reflects her innocent self against the harsh world.


In order to create lighting in this image, Woodman has used the natural lighting from an unseen window. This light then hits the concrete floor and potentially bounces off the mirror this creates a ‘spotlight’ feel to where Woodman is placed, this is due to the foreground and background corners are unlit. This draws attention to woodman and her reflection.


By utilizing both these artists’ views and my own, I wish to create compositions that reflect my sense of not fitting into the world I was brought into. I aim to show how our inner thoughts cannot be contained once alone. Either through feelings or none at all, the pain of not knowing where to go is the closest rival to death. This all relates down to the epicentre of all of our problems: wanting perfection. In the ideal world, perfection doesn’t exist, we would aim to reach our own maximum capacity, not to correlate with numbers and code. 

“Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don’t you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can’t think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you’re supposed to read? Do you think every thing you’re supposed to think? Buy what you’re told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you’re alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.” 
― Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club


Journeys and Pathways—(AS Photography Externally Set Assignment)

Journeys and Pathways

As humans we constantly make journeys. We travel along pathways (both literal and abstract) each and everyday. We are fixated with documenting journeys too (travelblogs, instagram etc) and become very adept at observing unique and fascinating aspects of “our journey”.

Image result for train tracks


Example : Political instability can often cause mass migration of populations and considerable human distress, which provoke artists to respond with powerful visual statements. Mona Hatoum’s displacement from Palestine to Britain influenced many of her pieces that comment on her personal experiences of such a traumatic event. Ai Weiwei and Sebastião Salgado recorded compelling accounts of refugees and their plight, whilst Dorothea Lange documented the devastating effects of the Great American Depression.

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Dorothea Lange – Migrant Mother – 1936

Assessment Objectives

You should provide evidence that fulfils the four Assessment Objectives:
AO1 Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed
by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical
AO2 Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and
processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically
on work and progress
AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where
appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.

Preparatory studies

Your preparatory studies should show evidence of:

• your development and control of visual literacy and the formal elements (tone,
texture, colour, line, form and structure)
• an exploration of techniques and media
• investigations showing engagement with appropriate primary and secondary sources
• the development of your thoughts, decisions and ideas based on the theme
• critical review and reflection.
Period of sustained focus
During the 10-hour period of sustained focus you will produce your final outcome(s)
responding to the Externally Set Assignment theme, based on your preparatory studies. The period of sustained focus may take place over more than one session. You will not be able to access your work outside of these sessions. Once the 10-hour supervised period
has ended you will not be able to add to or alter your work


In his installation Nantes Triptych Bill Viola simultaneously shows three videos of people at different stages on the journey through life.

Image result for bill viola

Other photographers and film makers are also interested in recording changes brought by the passing of time. Richard Linklater’s film Boyhood was filmed over 12 years to show the actual development of a boy into a young man.

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Christian Boltanski shone lights on fading images of people killed in the Holocaust.These suggest an interest in the journey that the photographs themselves make on a path to obscurity.

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In the book We English Simon Roberts records a two year journey in a motorhome around England. The resulting images are lyrical and calm, as he often found beauty in mundane situations and in the exploration of the relationship between people and place. He
purposely avoided the tendency to satirise the English class system in ways that have almost come to be expected by photographers such as Martin Parr.

Image result for walker evans

Image result for guy bourdin journey

Walker Evans, David Meadows, Guy Bourdin, John Davies, Dorothea Lange and many other photographers have gone on extended journeys to record their view of the country or their immediate surroundings.

Image result for rinko kawauchi photos

Creative journeys can derive from ideas that link diverse objects in unexpected ways. These reflect the individual preoccupations of the photographer. Edward Weston’s obsession with abstract form led him to transform vegetables, chimneys and toilets into
objects of great formal beauty. Rinko Kawauchi’s image of a dead wasp on a windowsill and a drop of milk on a baby’s chin are both connected by her interest in the poetry of ordinary moments.

Image result for michael wolfe photography

The daily grind can be a test of endurance. In Tokyo Compression, Michael Wolf recorded the extreme discomfort of Japanese commuters pressed up against windows dripping with condensation on their journeys to and from work.

Dryden Goodwin, Cast exhibition

In Harlem Trolley Bus, Robert Frank showed the divisions within American society in the mid-20th century. Dryden Goodwin
took pictures of exhausted travellers on London night buses and wove a protective cocoon of blood capillaries around them.

Image result for matt crabtree photography

Matt Crabtree transformed commuters on the
London underground into 16th century portraits of praying saints.

Image result for richard long

Richard Long walks through landscapes, making subtle changes along the way.

Image result for theo gosselin

Theo Gosselin documents friends / models / muses on various journeys in urban and rural areas

Image result for skateboard photography

J.Grant Brittain, Warren Bolster and Craig Stecyk documented skate culture throughout the 1980’s and beyond…


Image result for stephen shore new topographics

Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore and Henry Wessel, Jr. explored man-altered landscapes…often connected by road and rail systems in the USA, UK or Europe.
Image result for ansel adams
Ansel Adams – Snake River – 1942

Ansel Adams explored vast areas of America’s National Parks, preserving the notion of their grace, beauty and purity despite changes to their condition and use…

Image result for miklos gaal

Miklos Gaal employs tilt shift techniques to create toy-town-esque scenes of everyday hustle and bustle life in urban areas, distorting our sense of space, proportion and time.

Here are some other suggestions that may stimulate your imagination:

• trains, cycles, boats, planes, coaches and cars • hiking, camping, caravanning, hotels • obsessions, desires, pursuits • adventure trails, treks, mazes, maps, tunnels, caves • oceans, rivers, canals, motorways, bridges, corridors, staircases, packed lunches, service stations, mobile cafes, drive-thrus, airport lounges, bus stations, train stations • escapism, fantasy, science fiction, books, comics, quests • tracks, footprints, jet trails, bow waves, oil slicks • detectives, clues, pursuits, bloodhounds, foxhunting, treasure hunts, geocaching, orienteering • Pied Piper of Hamelin, Hansel and Gretel, Jack and the Beanstalk, The Hero’s Journey • internet, optic fibres, cables, communications, text messages, emails • letters, shipping containers, parcels, presents, trade routes • protest marches, processions, pilgrimages, hustle and bustle, street life (street photography)

Remember that you must : 

  • Complete 1 x response to Journey and Pathways
  • Complete 3 x Photo-shoots
  • Take 150-250 photos per photo shoot
  • Tackle each part of the marking criteria
  • Provide a minimum of 10 x through blog posts

Always ensure you have enough evidence of…

  1. moodboards
  2. mindmaps
  3. case studies (artist references-show your knowledge and understanding)
  4. photo-shoot action plans / specifications (what, why, how, who, when , where)
  5. photo-shoots + contact sheets (annotated)
  6. appropriate image selection and editing techniques
  7. presentation of final ideas and personal responses
  8. analysis and evaluation of process
  9. compare and contrast to a key photographer
  10. critique / review / reflection of your work



23rd April – 3 May inclusive

(dates / days to be published soon)

Identity and Place – Photo Shoot 1 & 2

My Response:

For my response I wanted to explore with fashion and culture. I wanted to show how people express their identities through  clothes. I also wanted to explore the fashion trends at the moment, especially over-sized and “unflattering” clothing pieces.

For my first photo shoot I am going to be looking more at casual everyday clothing (in a sense). I will be pairing everyday conventional pieces of clothing and making them more high fashion and runway worthy. I will also be doing the models makeup and hair.

For my second photo shoot I am going to be looking into more sophisticated, elegant and chic pieces of clothing.

1st Photo Shoot

Contact Sheet:

Final Photos:

Needed to edit exposure in Photoshop.

Needed to edit exposure in Photoshop as it is too under exposed.

Needed to sharpen this photo in Photoshop.

This was too over exposed so I knew I needed to edit the exposure in Photoshop.

Final Photos (Edited):

I am really happy with how these edited photos came out. I think I captured the essence of Kiki’s photos really well and I think it shows off my camera skills very well. Overall I’m satisfied as it shows the message I was trying to portray.

Second Photo Shoot:

Contact Sheet:

Final Images (Unedited):

Final Images (Edited):

For these edited photos, I decided to get ride of most of the background and just make it plain so the focus is more on the models than the background.

Overall, I am very happy with the outcome of this photo shoot as I feel I was able to capture the images that I wanted to, but, I think I will need to edit better next time as it is a little plain.





Kiki Xue

Kiki Xue:

“Chinese photographer Kiki Xue is really into fashion and photography which he pursues as a dream. Photography, seen not only as a record but also as a creation, means a lot to him. Kiki uses photography to carry his feelings in each detail, each expression, each emotion of his works. His photography is fulfilled with magical aspects. Kiki loves women and he combines his own feeling with theirs, showing these feelings out through pictures. He always believes that photography is a way to record the simplest moment without any artificial. Most of his inspiration comes from drawings. Kiki would like to use his camera to create a vision of life and the world, which is perhaps a little unreal, abstract, like a cloud floating in mid-air. His editorial work has appeared in publications such as Vogue Italia and Harper’s Bazaar China. ”

Examples of his work:

Kiki Xue


Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue
Kiki Xue


Saul Steinberg

Small Family Group, Chelsea Hotel (from the Mask Series with Saul Steinberg), 1962. ;Photograph by Inge Morath, © The Inge Morath Foundation

Steinberg captured people with paper bags over there face, hiding and disguising their identity. On the paper bags there are shapes creating a cartoon style face. When someone looses their identity they tend to hide their emotions with fake ones, the paper bag acts metaphorically to show the fake emotions that a person is likely to present when they loose their identity, which presents the conceptual elements within this photographic series. Technically speaking the models are located in the centre of the frame, allowing them to be the main focus point. The background is used to present the background of the person, the type of people they are. In this case they seem rich due to the posh fireplace and large amount of space surrounding them. The photograph is presented in black and white which allows the image to be high in tonal contrast allowing details to be shown clearer.  Space, tone and texture are the main formal elements which are being presented within this image. They are all presented through the background and the model, which all add the effect of loosing an identity. The camera settings when taking these images where precise, the ISO seems to be slightly high as there seems to be an intended noise, this also contextually shows the time period (1962) that these images were captured in. The shutter speed seems to be quick as there is no intended blur, moreover there is a large depth of field due to the whole frame being in focus. This photograph presents cold artificial lighting, which adds to the depressing and sinister tone which Steinberg is creating around the idea of someone loosing their identity and trying to be someone whom they aren’t. Contextually, Steinberg wanted to show that everyone is society ‘wears a mask’ to hide the true identity, whether it is metaphorically or physically, through makeup. He said that this was because it acted as “a protection against revelation.”. Applying this to loss of identity, it shows how when people loose their identity they try and pretend to be someone they are not, so people do not find out what they are going through. To apply this contextual idea to this image the paper bags are suggesting that because these people are rich they have to act rude and snobby towards others due to the class system.

Based on this artist research I want to conduct a study where I look at capturing my model disguising their identity. In order to present a stronger relationship between the artist and loss of identity, I intended to use plain white masks and plain simplistic background, so no identity is built around the background of the model. Moreover, I intended to use a similar soft cold lighting in order to create a depressing tone to my work. In order for more inspiration with the use of masks and paper bags, to disguise and present the idea that my model has lost their identity and pretending that they are okay, I intended to conduct visual inspiration through a mood board, were further interests surrounding this topic can be presented.

Mood Board Of Other Artists Work With Masks
  • While exploring further into mask photography, I got a glimpse of the idea of surrealism with masks. Within this I saw a thin white material like a bed sheet around the head of the model, which takes the viewer away from naturalistic photographs. This presents loss of identity as it shows that there is nothing left when you lose your identity, the white sheet presents metaphorically that the person who loses their identity is left with emptiness. This is an aspect which I think could inspire my photoshoot of masks
  • Another aspect which present clear ideas is the use of a blank white mask. These masks can be considered eerie and scary, which can present the emotions that a person feels when they loose their identity. Moreover, the mask physically covers the face of the model which shows the loss of their identity.

By conducting this further research of mask photography I have clear ideas and visions that I want to bring forward to my photoshoot which will be inspired by Steinberg’s use of paper bags/masks.