Final Displays and Evaluation and Critique

Overall throughout the project I feel I have tried to explore each different type of portrait well and to my best, such as studio, tableaux and environmental.  I feel that trying out and experimenting will all the different ways and styles of taking these portrait has been able to lead me to the point of my final outcomes well and has produced a lot of ideas and my pictures have developed throughout.  Overall I feel my final outcomes came out in a way that I wanted them to and can be linked back to my photographers such as Philip-Lorca diCorcia.

One thing that I struggled with over the project was working with my camera specifically in getting my photographs to be in focus.  This is something which I eventually had to work into my final outcomes and try to play for the ones which became slightly out of focus.  Although this was a struggle I feel some of my camera skills have developed throughout the project and this could be seen in certain photographs such as some of the studio portraits or the environmental portraits.

Over this portrait project I feel my development and my experimentation with the styles of pictures I have been taking have been better than the last in Abstract and I feel this has helped me move forward with my development.

For my overall final piece I feel it finished as something I was happy with however could have been made better in certain ways,  the quality and clarity of the photographs could have been better and I feel lets the images down slightly, although I did try to work this in by having all of my photographs edited and finished in the same way so that they all still had some fluidity.  During the process I came across issues when working with the pain pens and this then cause the words and the outlines on the photographs to not come out as well as I’d hoped, if I was to do this again I would possibly try experiment with doing the lines on photo-shop as to eliminate this issue that came about.  Overall I am happy with the way that I displayed my photographs as I feel it is effective and works well to show the trio of photographs that I have produced.

Final Prints
Extra Final

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