Identity and Place Mock Exam MOOD BOARD AND ARTISTS


The definition of identity is: the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. 
However, there is a difference between being an identity and what it means to have an identity. What it means to have an identity is the strong characteristics, definitions and quirks that makes the person individual. To have a strong sense of identity is often thought as having a thorough understanding of oneself's thought patterns, strengths and weaknesses, traits and preferences. Every individual have different levels of self identity, whilst some have an incredible strong sense of individuality, some require time to discover themselves. Our identity is what makes us unique and not one person has the same identity.
Elaine Constantine is both a filmmaker and photographer who has a talent of capturing the British youth culture. What I love about Constantine's work is that I feel she really captures the carelessness and how reckless teenagers/young adults can be, and she especially captures their joy and excitement. 

Constantine tends to use flash when she captures her images which I believe adds an extra vibrancy to her photos, which also adds to the concept of the vibrancy and excitement her subjects have. Most of the pictures that Constantine takes are staged, as she directs the models. One of her most famous images of the girl feeding a seagull was directed as Constantine asked the model to hold out a chip to feed the seagull, however the model had to close her eyes as she flinched when her eyes were open when she fed the seagulls. Therefore, Constantine told the model to close her eyes when feeding the gulls and caught the image. 

Constantine's ability to capture the youth'joy and excitement also displays the variety of identities that are displayed in the images. The way they dress and present themselves can reveal how the young adults want the audience and others to view and interpret their identity. Also their facial expressions and body positions is another way of being able to identify and interpret their personalities, and identities. 

Jim Goldberg is a photographer who combines mediums such as photographs and text. Goldberg's work reflects his deep and meaningful collaborations he has with the ignored and neglected out-of-mainstream subjects. He uses his text to tell the stories and points of view of the subjects in the images. The text is written in multiple languages, most of the time by his subjects. Goldberg also integrates his art by drawing and outlining some of his images in different colors. Goldberg typically applies a documentary style to capture his images, with his straightforward approach.  His ability to story tell through the use of photography aids in revealing his subjects identities and situations. Their added commentary assists in giving an insight into their minds and what is really going on in their lives. Goldberg's ability to expose multiple bodies of self is what I draw inspiration from.
Goldberg, Jim

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