Identity: Photo-shoot 1 Contact Sheets

For the first photo-shoot I completed, I focused on a range of different factors that can influence the identity of children, including the anxieties of adults and how they influence children, as well as how family history and loss can effect a child’s development of identity.

The following contact sheets work as evidence for my thought process when ruling out and selecting images from this photo-shoot:


Identity 1; The Shoot&Selecting Images (Jan 2019 Mock)


For the shoot itself I used a canon camera with a standard lens, this is so I had a range of zoom that I wouldn’t of had if I was using a portrait lens. The standard lens made the shoot less stressful. I used the ring light as my main source of light, I used this light because it is a strong powerful white light, but doesn’t create harsh shadows on the models face. The ring light also had a dimmer on it, this allowed me to control how strong the light was.  I made sure the background of my images was white as it makes Erin stand out. I

I had my camera settings on 1/200 shutter speed and and ISO of 200, these settings where perfect for my photos as they were sharp and powerful. I could adjust the focus by using the focus lens at the end of my camera lens.

Like any shoot I had difficulties, they included making sure the light was at the right angle to create the silhouette around my individual and ti highlight certain areas of her face that I needed to be bright and exaggerated. Another difficulty I had was making sure the settings were correct, I had to take many test photos, this enabled me to adjust my settings as I knew what needed to be changed, in order to get the effect I wanted.


Image 1 selection; (before she changes herself) 

Image 2 selection; (beginning the change)

Image 3 selection; (step one in the change)

Image 4 selection; (zoom in on the eyes)

Image 5 selection; (changing her hairstyle)

Image 6 selection; (adding on another layer to cover herself up)

Image 7 selection; (adding more)

Image 8 selection; (before she changes her outfit, which shows her personality)

Image 9 selection; (the final look)

Identity and Place

Identity – “The fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. Identity can be influenced by many factors, which all have a different impact on people identity. One factor effecting people identity is the place in which they live in. For example if someone is brought up in a very religious environment, they will be living and doing certain things that according to the religion. The different types of identity are:

  • Social Identity: the portion of an individual’s self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group. 
  • Cultural Identity: the feeling of belonging to a group, and culture is all the aspects that make up the way a person lives.
  • Geographical Identity: an individual’s sense of attachment to the region in which they live or the key characteristics in which a particular region/country associates with.
  • Lack/Loss of Identity: personal psychological conflict that involves confusion about one’s role in society or the sense of loss in a community.
  • Gender Identity: a person’s perception of their own or other people’s roles based on their gender.

Identity and Place Mood Board:

Identity Mood board


Photo montage

Photo montage combining previous images 

For this photo montage i created a background layer using the studio lighting photos and then drew into it using the original ideas of the broken wooden buildings the pen wraps around the face symbolizing the  encapsulation that the ever growing industrialization has on us and how we can get away from it.

For the upper layer i used acetate. I used one of the photos from the  merged  faces and building images. I drew this in pen on a white background creating a light and dark contrast. Then i decided to layer it over my original images collage to create the merged feel the the picture so it fits in well with my final idea and building up work to it. This image also is meant to feel like you are looking into the head of the model and there inner thoughts reflecting on there self identity and industrial visions and how it is effecting and entwining them.

This was my original drawing for the image looking at the dark and light the way she is grabbing her face is meant to reflect how industrialization cause confusion for the persons  identity and  place of origin.  Because this running theme of building and industrialization reflects how i have built up the image with lots of different layers creating a visually capturing and interesting image. This is because there are lots off different components to understand and appreciate.