Response to Barbara Kruger

Barbara Kruger generally uses black and white photographs with heavy contrast as her background layer underneath bold red text boxes usually stating strong, somewhat controversial lines.

As I knew beforehand that I was going to be editing these images more than I usually would, I wanted to use natural lighting portraits as my background to even that out.

Although Kruger doesn’t use her photos as a ‘series’ I did want to use mine this way, whilst also addressing some topics that I’m extremely passionate about – the effects of mental illness, abuse, and the stigma that inevitably follows. 


first edit: when i recover; i won’t blame myself anymore

The first thing I did to this image was increase the canvas size so that I could then create the thick red border around the image – I increased the height and width to 1.5cm after a bit of trial and error to see which thickness I thought appeared best.

I created a ‘colour fill’ layer and dragged that underneath ‘layer 0’ in the layers column. I used the rectangle tool to create some rectangles, filled with the same shade red as the border, where I wanted the text to go.

I used the horizontal text tool to then place the text where I wanted it – I opened the ‘properties’ panel to adjust the font, size and colour of the text.

I then started to edit my photograph. I decreased the brightness to -20 and increased the contrast to +20. This made the whole image a bit darker but the colours a bit brighter – I did this so that when I put the image into black and white, I’d know which parts of the image were going to be darker and which were going to be lighter.

I put the photo into black and white, but I played around with some of the colour settings until the photo looked how I wanted it to look, this resulted in;

reds -2%

blues 143%

magentas -42%

I added some grain ((noise)) to this image to make it look more dramatic and give it some harsher editing, I increased the noise to 5.5% .

To finish this edit I added some dust and scratches, I left radius at 1 pixel and increased threshold to 35 levels.

second edit; you can’t have a rainbow, without a little pain

I started this edit by doing the same as the previous with the red border and text, however I used a brighter, more vibrant red as this was a more positive photo.

I started editing this image by decreasing the brightness to -40 and increasing the contrast to +40, I wanted the background to appear brighter, and as the subjects skin tone was slightly washed out, I decreased the brightness.

I kept adjusting the exposure settings until I was happy with how the photo was looking, the final settings were:

exposure +0.5

offset -0.002

gamma correction 0.83

I changed some of the settings in shadows/highlights:


amount 18%

tone 23%

radius 28


amount 49%

radius 13


colour -93%

midtones +1

To finish this edit I added noise at 10%, uniform.

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