Identity and place — ideas*

The style I want to follow is one that shows “When Time was Prime”. This is in the style of the american photographer Richard Koenig and his work with pictures hanging in a scene, they depict the scene but when it was older and full of life. 

The main area of his work that I will be looking at is the ones where he has a photo he has frames the picture in the scene and suspended it in front of the real area to show a different time.

My main inspiration for it is this image where he has shown the man sitting in his chair in the two images that are hanging up and in between you can see a gap where the man is missing.

Image result for Richard Koenig

This image to me represents loss and the lack of the identity of the area and the subject, because the chair that he once sat in now lies empty and unfilled, also Koenig has used a shallow depth of field to make the chair and the background have less detail and to make it so that the viewer focuses on the photos and ‘what it was’ rather than what it is.

One thought on “Identity and place — ideas*”

  1. Identity
    Concept / idea; loss of identity
    Context ; family, grandfather, exploration of a sense of loss
    Research; memory, loss, connections, grieving, continuation of life
    Artists; Philip Toledano / Laia Abril / Richard Koenig
    Photoshoots; placement of images in house, possessions, memories, artefacts, archival material
    Outcomes; similar to Koenig

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