Photo montage case study- Peter Kennard

Peter Kennard

Peter Kennard is an artist who was born and is based in London, who create photo montages. He is especially known for being involved in the Anti-Vietnam war movement and for being in favor of Nuclear Disarmament. Most of his photo montages are based on his political views and also on problems in society.

Mood board

Not my images.


Image by Peter Kennard


This photo montage was first seen in the Guardian on the 13th November, 1989.


In this image, we can see two hands shaking through a wall. Where but the hands are joined. The wall appears to be breaking.


This montages was created by placing prints and ink on card.


This is one of my favorite montages by Kennard as it conveys a very happy feeling. This image was published 4 days after the Berlin Wall began falling. Both the hands shaking from each side is symbolic in showing how West and East Germany were finally going to be united again. I believe that this shows that Kennard feels that’s it was a good thing that they were no longer going to be separated as he portrays their connection with a handshake, which is a peaceful and positive connection between two people.



Soviet gag by Peter Kennard


This montage was published in the socialist challenge on the 31st December 1977.


In this photo, we can see a close up image of a man who’s mouth is being covered with  piece of fabric what has the soviet Russian flag on it. The fabric gag is being held by 2 hands, but the body or face of the person isn’t seen.


This montages was printed onto card


During the time this montage was made, Russia and the entire USSR was under the rule of a communist government. During this time a lot of people’s thoughts and feelings were suppressed due to heavy government restrictions on freedom of speech. This is shown through the montage very literally, and the gag with the soviet flag on it is seen as stopping the man from talking.

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