Tabluaex vivants mood board

This is my mood board for the topic of Tableaux Vivants, as you can see Tableaux has been around for a while, and can be re created in order to remake or refresh a memory from a past time/long time ago.

I like these images because I feel that the atmosphere within is strong but also the colors and contrasts between light and dark really allow you to get a feeling from the photo but makes it seem high quality and draws you in more to have a closer and more in depth look at the photo.

Some words that I associate with Tableaux Vivants are:

Representation, still life,  re-create, illustrate.

Some recreations of Tableaux can be a certain lyric to a song, an album cover, a poem, mythology or even a dream.


One thought on “Tabluaex vivants mood board”

  1. Identity;
    Concept/idea; to photograph yourself in multiple poses/ roles like Paul M Smith
    Context; gender roles and masculinity : how you see yourself
    Research; Gender politics
    Photographers; Paul M Smith
    Photoshoots; 1 = rugby 2 = music /band practice 3 = fixing the car / bike / building a house OR doing household chores and typically and historically female–role activities
    Outcomes; a set of images that explores male roles / dreams / ambitions

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