Annegret Soltau – Jakob Kolding – Own Responses

These are my outcomes and responses as well as edits to Annegret Soltau and Jakob Kolding.

Annegret Soltau

This shows the contact sheet of the photoshoot from my responses to  Annegret Soltau.  I started by wrapping the string around my head as well as another persons head and took pictures from various angles.  Next I chose two images that I thought were best and printed them out to work into.

Contact Sheet of Photoshoot

Below shows two of my printed out responses with the string worked and sewn into them just as Annegret Soltau does.

My First Response with the String Worked into
My Second Response with the String Worked into
Final Responses in Black and White

I have placed my final responses into black and white as this is how Annegret Soltau presents most of her work as well so I thought it would create a more accurate response to her.

Final Response
Final Response 2

Jakob Kolding

My Own Edit

This is a trial montage that I created with inspiration from Jakob Kolding, by drawing on and creating separate elements to create an image.  This one which I have created I have done quite subtly compared to my other photo-montage in response to Annegret Soltau.  For this photograph above I have taken small parts out of a woman’s magazine and stuck it in replacement of some of the things in the shop for example I changed the words on the crossword or the prices on the till, I also went back and drew on some of what he had in his shop himself on paper and placed this onto the photograph.

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