What is photo montage?

Photo montage is the process of putting together multiple picture in order to create a new image with a different feel. This is done by gutting, gluing and rearranging two or more photographs to make a new one. There is also a more popular method of creating the idea of photo montage which is done on an app called ‘ photoshop’.

History of photo montage

Photo montage became a thing is the 1880s and was first done by merging different photos together into a combination print. It was then again looked at in the 20th century by Dadaist and Futurist artists.

The most iconic photo- montages were produced by George Grosz, Hannah Hoch and John Heart.


What photo montage is used for

Photo montage can be used for protesting subjects, political purposes ie, World Wars, and for conveying opinions. When creating the photo montage it can be done though hand manipulation ( cut and stick) as well as Photoshop.

Hannah Hoch

Hoch was born in 1990 on November 1st in Germany. She began her training in 1912 at the school of Applied Arts in Berlin- Charlottenburg. However, after being there a few years she ended up moving back to Germany after World War 1 started in 1915. While being away she changed to specializing in glass design but went back to focusing on painting, graphic design, wood cut and linoleum- block- painting until 1920.

Hock first became interested in photo montages properly in 1917 and herself and Dadaists were the first to fully explore the idea of photo montages. She continued to make art through WW1 and tried to stay relevant after it ended which proved to be very hard.As she grew and developed she worked with new modes of expression but continued to reference her past. Hoch was such a key part of photo montage and was clearly an important influence during her period of six decades of hard work. Her work began to receive more attention in the late 1960s which was due to the concerted effort by feminist scholars and artists to uncover and reclaim the art created by her in the 20th century. She died on May 31st in 1978.

Pieces she produced..










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