These are a couple of examples that I took for street Photography:
These are my contact sheets from the street Photography trip
From this trip if I have learnt one thing is that confidence is key, which is something that in this trip I was lacking too do. Simply because I had watched videos on some of the reactions that famous people received when just photographing random strangers. However having analysed my contact sheet even further I can notice that most of my images are quite blurry, this could have been becuse my shutter speed was too low so the camera was unable to capture the pictures I was after. when I was on this trip in town no comments were actually made so most people I photographed the worst thing that came out of it was sometimes an evil look but nobody actually asked what was going on which also surprised me.
My technique for this trip was simply to sit on benches, lean against shop windows or just simply stand in corners and photograph people as they continued through there everyday life. this actually worked sometimes at my own expense apart from there are just some images of buildings instead of people but it was all part of the fun . Another thing that I have noticed from these images are that there is quite a lot of backs turned away from the camera, which again was partially my fault for not having tried to capture the front of them but as I was looking at them I realised that even getting 3-5 perfect images would have been great as most photographers will take between 200-500 images and only select 5 or so to actually be published which in this case is what I have done.
Out of all my images there are not very many that I would say worked. The two images at the top of the post are both from people I know but they weren’t 100% sure what I was doing. I feel like the top image is well focused on the idea that that is how some people approach the idea of portraits as the boy on the right is smiling but seems also confused as to why there is a camera in his face whereas the boy on the left does not seem very happy with what was going on. furthermore, as I said earlier its warpped around the idea that it is unknown what your going to capture. when I was walking down to go to this trip I was nervous but excited and what I was going to see and capture but not through my eyes but through a camera lens and doing something where your out in a public place sourrounded by people most of the time poeple do become confused but rather smiley as soon as a camera is pointed right to them. (unless they’re just generally grumpy)