For this experimentation I purposely wanted all of my compositions to be blurry. I wanted to do this because we are all keeping a hold of the idea of not necessarily beauty but self identification. By making my portraits blurry I’m exposing the viewer to assume and suggest a lifestyle, age, occupation and confidence. This is exposing the viewer on their opinions on others around them and how quick everyone is to assume everything. We all think we have it all figured out from looking at a person but there is more to a person than meets the eye.
Justin Lincoln – self portrait ‘by the pain of fleeting joy’Ilkka Uimone for Newsweek
To take these photos I went into the main street in St Helier with our Photography class and just photographed people in the street as they were walking, sitting down or just chatting with someone. At first I was finding it very awkward and quite humiliating as the general population will think it is weird if you’re just walking around taking pictures of people without their permission. I had some good opportunities which I took, some photos turned out pretty well and in focus with the right lighting and some the opposite. However, nearing the end of our time photographing I started finding it easier to just take photos in the street and became more confident around it.
Gallery of All The Photos Taken:
One significant character we encountered whilst taking these photos was this homeless man. He approached our group as we were finishing off by just talking about our experiences, etc. He photographed very well and had very unique clothes on, also the fact he was smoking a cigarette made the photos even more interesting. Unfortunately when we all had a great opportunity to take an interesting photo (with the person looking directly into the camera and not moving), my camera wasn’t in the right setting so my photos of him didn’t turn out as well as they could have.
Thankfully after finishing, my friend and I saw him again on the street, this time I wanted to take more photos. We both asked him for photos and he agreed, I started up a conversation with the man to learn more about him and he told us about his homelessness, that he is a Jersey man but moved to Southampton, then returned to Jersey in the 70s. He also said he wants to leave Jersey but cannot, I asked why and he told me “he has a bad name”, I found this interesting but didn’t want to dig any further as he came across very bizarre and quite intimidating/dodgy at times.
My Favourite Photos
Edited into black and white as I prefer it to colour, as I think it looks better, some have also been cropped.
This is one of my favourites as he seems to be very disconnected to the world around him and just drawing/noting things down in his notebook.This one really reminds me of Dougie Wallace’s Work, as the women look wealthy especially due to their handbags and fur coats. Also their facial expressions seem to be disapproving and snobby in a way.I found this woman’s facial expression’s and clothing interesting. She was also singing to herself as she walking down the street. I had to follow her for a couple minutes to get a good shot as she walked quite fast and didn’t look at the camera at all. To me this an accurate representation of a grumpy/disapproving Jersey man, he embodies this well in his body language.This woman’s expression can also be regarded as being disapproving or maybe a bit sad in some ways.To me this woman looking up to the sky seems quite hopeful, she looks as if she could be waiting for something.This trio all seem to be in the same slumped body posture, all looking a bit depressed over something which we will never know about.This is one of the photos where I had the perfect opportunity but I had my camera was out of focus, however I still like this one.This was taking whilst we began talking to him again, I like this stare directly into the camera.
This one was very much a ‘Decisive Moment’ photo for me. I saw what may be a couple or perhaps even a mother and son and just took the photo without thinking much about it, they seemed to be having a proud moment where she just touched his face in admiration. I like this one as it juxtaposes the others which are quite dark and dismal.
Remember >>>Photography is completely dependent on the availability of light.
In most cases we can make use of natural or available / ambient light…but we must be aware of different kinds of natural light and learn how to exploit it thoughtfully and creatively…
intensity of the light
direction of the light
temperature of the light and white balance
Using reflectors (silver / gold)
Using diffusers , tissue paper, coloured gels, tracing paper etc
Front / side / back lighting
High Key / low key lighting
Shadows / silhouettes
2. Studio Lighting
Using artificial lighting can offer many creative possibilities…so we will explore
size and shape of light
distance from subject to create hard / soft light
angles and direction…high, low, side lighting
filtered light
camera settings : WB / ISO / shutter speed etc
reflectors and diffusers
key lighting, fill lighting, back lighting, 3 point lighting
soft-boxes, umbrella lights, spot lights and floodlights
chiarascuro and Rembrandt lighting
high key and low key lighting techniques
backdrops and infinity curves
Johannes Vermeer, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, 1665—-chiarusco as employed by the Dutch Masters
Above : An example of “bouncing” the flash to soften the effects and create a larger “fill” area…try this wherever there are white walls/ ceilings
Using Flash
Flash units offer a range of possibilities in both low and high lighting scenarios…we will explore
flash “bouncing”
fill-in flash
TTL / speedlight flash
remote / infra-red flash (studio lighting)
fast + slow synch flash
light painting c/w slow shutter speeds
Evidence of Your Learning
During this weeks we would expect all students to complete 2-3 blog posts detailing how you are experimenting with various lighting techniques eg CHIARASCURO / REMBRANDT LIGHTING
Add information / links showing how Chiarascuro has been used since the Renaissance in painting…but also how it used now in photography and film
You must describe and explain your process with each technique…add your images to your blog as you progress, print off your successful images and evaluate your process using technical vocab and analysis skills. Think carefully about the presentation of your ideas and outcomes…compare your work to relevant portrait photographers as you go eg
Annie Leibovitz, Irving Penn, Rankin, Richard Avedon, Yousef Karsh, David Bailey, Mario Testino, Steve McCurry, Jill Greenberg, Nick Knight, Tim Walker, Corrine Day, Jane Bown etc
Expected Final Outcomes this Week
Case Study and Practical Responses to Rankin or another studio photographer
1 x Final Portrait using natural light + analysis and evaluation
1 x Final Portrait using artificial light (1, 2 + 3 point lighting) + analysis and evaluation
1 x Final Portrait using flash + analysis and evaluation
Think about how you can show evidence of head shots, cropped head shots, half body, three-quarter length and full length portraits.
Show that you can employ interesting angles and viewpoints…
Why do we use studio lighting?
What is the difference between 1-2-3 point lighting and what does each technique provide / solve
What is fill lighting?
What is spill lighting?
What is Chiarascuro ? Show examples + your own experiments
Bouncing the flash to soften its effects
Or use light painting techniques…
Slow Shutter speeds (1/30th sec or BULB setting)
Illuminate an area / person with a torch , study lamp, glowstick, car headlights etc…
(Refer to your tracking sheet)
You must complete a range of studio lighting experiments and present your strongest ideas on a separate blog post
Remember to select only the most successful images
You should be aiming to produce portraits that show clarity, focus and a clear understanding of a range of lighting techniques
Editing should be minimal at this point…we are looking for your camera skills here
But…be creative and experimental with your approach “in camera”…extremes, uniqueness and possibly thought provoking imagery will improve your ideas and outcomes.
When comparing my images to the work of Anthony there are some clear differences, with the main two being that with mine there are the large imperfections due to the out of date film, and the other being that with mine I wanted the subjects to be in a position where they would be working similar to Anthony’s work but I wanted them to be looking into the camera because that means that they are directly interacting with the camera and it feels more personal.
I think that having the subject working and kind of interrupting them and not giving them time to do anything other than look at the camera means that it gives an honest impression of them and their working environment.
Definition: ‘Street photography, also sometimes called candid photography, is photography conducted for art or inquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within a public place. Although there is a difference between street and candid photography, it is usually subtle with most street photography being candid in nature and some candid photography being classifiable as street photography. Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. Though people usually feature directly, street photography might be absent of people and can be of an object or environment where the image projects a decidedly human character in facsimile or aesthetic.’
“Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.”
-Napoleon Hill
“Just go out and shoot! It’s great to get inspired by reading books and watching tutorials and so forth, but you need to actually go out and take pictures. Don’t be afraid to get out there.” -Valerie Jardin
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Bresson was a French photographer, who was said to have pioneered the genre of street photography. He thought of photography as a way of capturing a decisive moment. Bresson’s passion of photography came at an early age where he used to capture moments of his family holidays. This small hobbit then turned into his career, where he made a massive contribution towards photography.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Emotional Response
When first viewing the photograph, we begin to grow an emotional attachment to the child located around the image. This is because it seems like their homes have been destroyed, leaving them with the remains of the homes to play with. The morbid photograph is interesting as the facial expressions on the children are not happy making us realise that something is not right, making us more emotionally attached to the image. Moreover, the children’s faces look soiled meaning that the setting is not hygienic and potentially very unsafe for them.
Technical Response
This photograph is presented in black and white, which allows the solied faces of the children to be clearly visible, it also allows the broken walls and dirty floor, to present the formal element of texture. The fact that the image is black and white also plays on the idea that the children have nothing, like we had nothing back in the day. The wall with a hole in it has been used as a frame, which is framing the background allowing the viewers eyes to clearly be guided around the photograph. The location of the children also helps to guide the eyes, as there are more kids in the foreground and less in the background, (creating a large proximity) making our eyes look at the front of the image and make there way towards the background. The formal elements of shape and space are also presented through this image, through the use of the children and the collapsed walls, trapping them. The whole frame of the photograph is in focus, however, the background is slightly less out of focus, which means there is a large depth of field. Moreover, the aperture is likely to be around F11 – F8. The shutter speed used to capture this image is likely to be quick, as there is no intended blur. Additionally to the ISO is also likely to be low as there is no noise created by the light. The lighting used in this photograph is likely to be natural, as it has been taken outside, in what could be the children’s natural environment. This image consists of some negative space, which is found at the background of the frame, this creates a sense of that these children live with nothing and are trapped with nothing, which also helps to create an emotional attachment.
Contextual Responce
This image was taken in 1933, which was a couple of years before the Spanish civil war. The children are said to be playing in a ruins, a destruction from a previous war. 1933, was one of the worst years during the Great Depression, which was a time when the economy collapsed, which also helps to provide contact towards the photograph.
Conceptual Response
Now knowing the context, I believe the concept of this image was to show the effect of wars and the Great Depression for those in poverty, the use of children makes the image more hard hitting towards viewers. The hole in the wall is trying to show the children trying to break away from there reality. It also shows how it has effected the children, leaving them with only ruins to play in.
Photoshoot Plan
I will be capturing my street photography images in town, during the early afternoon, a time which can sometimes be busy. I will be walking around the streets, looking for interesting characters. The aim is to remain a discrete as possible, so the citizens are unaware of me capturing the images. The lighting will be natural and my camera settings will also be kept simple, however, I do want a quick shutter speed as it will allow me to capture many images.
Contact Sheets
Final Outcomes
In technical terms I feel that my work and Bresson’s work is similar, we both presented our images in black and white, I attempted to have the formal elements of shape, texture and space in my images as those a key elements to Bresson’s photograph. Moreover, I tried to create a depth of field, where the people are mostly in focus, but still having the background in focus, but not as clear at the foreground. Bresson’s photograph is very different in conceptual terms as he is trying to show the effect of war to children in poverty. My photographs concept was to show the different kinds of people found in town during a busy period.
This is my second shoot in relation to street photography
When out on the streets of new Zealand walking around through the center of Christchurch, The Vodafone building had a space invaders game boy on the side of it. So from across the road you could control the screen to [lay the game. I thought this was a quite a good way of creating street photography because i had a clear focal point of my images while the environment was ever changing around it. With my camera for these images I switched between the landscape and portrait settings on the camera. I had my camera to a high shutter speed because of the ever changing urban landscape I was photographing. I has my white balance set to one of the automatic outdoor settings which created the perfect amount of contrast in my images.
I chose to change to the other side of the road and capture images from behind creating more of a story and understanding within my images. This angle creates perspective within the images showing different view points. There are two main intentional view points for these images. They are the two boys on the game controllers and the space invaders screen on the side of the building. The image creates a contrast with in because there is a dark and light side to the image creating a more visually interesting image. The main tonal color pallets for this image consist of a range of blues. The two boys stand out because they are on a lighter background making the viewer being drawn the them when when looking at the image.
You can see how modern day to day life is just passing by as the images are being taken from the visual interactions from the cars and a little girl entering the images wanting to have a go. These images are all about capturing what is naturally happening right that second, unplanned/ unstructured.
For the next images i chose to change vantage points to capture the interest of the children and what is happening with them. To me these images turned out really well the colors are vibrant and there are no blurred images. There is a lot of vertical features within these images which create structural vantage points for the image. The buildings in the background give the image depth creating a clear flow through the image following the path of the road.
Again i moved positioning so that I could capture the general public behind and there reactions to how the kids were doing in the games and the next lot of children waiting for there turn.
I chose to change angles so that i was behind the children can captured the Vodafone sign in the images. This gives the images context and gives the viewer more of an understanding as to why there are children playing giant space invaders near the side of the road. It also frames the picture crating a poster feel to the image or a advert for Vodafone. The contrast between the blue glass of the building and the red writing creates a focal point and main point of interest.
I wanted to capture the close up of the children's faces I used the portrait mode on my camera with a wide zoom lens to create the close up intimate feel towards the photos. These images were taken standing about 50 m away from the kids. I feel like these images are successful because you can see that they are clear and crisp the colors are bright and vibrant. I feel like the images create a real snap shot of what is actually going on and the children's real moods. You can see that I have changed the zoom of the lens in the images to create different out comes and see how the zoom effects the initial image. Creating a more diverse set of images.
For an experimentation into focal length, AF/MF, focal points and depth of field, I took a variety of photographs using these techniques, so that I can compare them.
In the above gallery, the top 2 rows of images were taken using Auto-focus, where the camera automatically focused on a focal point, and the bottom 2 rows used manual focus, where I physically adjusted the camera lens in order to adjust the focus and focal point.
I discovered that using manual focus allows for more control over the focal point of the image, and overall allows for a the focal point of the image to be focused on more easily.
The editing process for the images was very simple as there was very little required, the reason for this is that I had the exposure as I wanted it in camera so I didn’t need to change that and the company that develops it adds my signature in the corner for the high resolution images. The only change that I made was I cropped one of the images slightly because someone else’s hand was in frame.