Studio Lighting

Contact sheets

Here are my contact sheets to help me cut down to my final images. These are all the unedited photos compiled side by side in order to pick out the best of the lot.

From these images I was able to isolate and identify the photos I wanted to work with

Final edits

Here are all my final images some edited, some left unedited due to achieving the perfect lighting effect I was after.


Desaturated with a heavy exposure drop

Just a drop in exposure with a crop of the background

Desaturated with lowered exposure and raised contrast to highlight the shadows on the subjects face

A close up of the subjects eyes, desaturated and exposure dropped slightly

Desaturated with contrast dropped slightly


Lowered exposure and vibrance toned slightly down to give faded pink effect

Unedited, I really like the shadow created by the lighting falling on the subjects hand gesture and face.

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