Studio Photography

Now we have moved into portraiture in photography we have started to use the studio, this is brilliant and fun in the moment on creating better portrait  photos, this is because we can take photos in an controlled environment with no factors of extraneous variables.

In the studio we are able to dim and brighten lights, have lights shining in specific areas to light up part of a face, or we can use a color filter to give the photo a different feeling, like a warm or cold feeling, by using a warm or cold color to affect the light.

In my very first studio photo shoot I asked the person visible to act in whatever manor she liked, this way the movements and facial features would seem more natural and relaxed. I like this way as it doesn’t make the photo seemed forced in anyway, but also this way I can capture the real facial features and emotions of a relaxed person.

In the contact sheet you will notice I have used the same key as I always do.

One thing which is visible is that I have loads of photos which I am unhappy with, this is due to the fact that it was my first time using the studio therefore I was getting used to the different settings with ISO and aperture to make it really work with my models face.

Most of the crossed out pictures are because I had made the photos either under or over exposed making it too light or too dark, others which may seemed great did work with the light, but I had realized that my models face looked bored or just uninterested, but there are others where my model is showing emotions such as laughing which really helps me capture the human persona and features.

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