Flash Photography

Flash is a very good technique to use when taking portraits as it helps to add more light to the picture and it can be used in both light and dark locations.

Types of flash

Bounce flash– This is when you point the flash in a different direction, rather than directly at your subject, in order for the light to soften before it hits your subject.  It’s typically bounced at an angle, at something like a wall or a ceiling.

Fill-in flash– This is a technique that’s used to brighten up shadowed areas. This is usually used when the background is a lot brighter that the actual subject, and using this will make your subject appear well lit and not underexposed compared to the background.

Speed light flash -This is also known as a hot shoe flash. This is a flash that is inserted onto the top part of the camera and is triggered then the cameras shutter takes an image.

Contact sheets

Best Outcomes

Technical analysis 

This image was taken on a Canon EOS 1300 D with a standard lens. The camera setting was on portrait mode with a white balance of ‘flash’. The shutter speed for this image was on 1/250.

Visual analysis 

We can see that this image has been taken at night due to the dark backgrounds. The flash has allowed for the models face to be lit up as well as the surrounding of the trees.



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