Street Photography


Street photography is also known as candid photography but they are very different. Street photography feature unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places. Street photography doesn’t have to have a street present within it or even an urban environment. It can focus on people and their behaviors in public, it is similar to social documentary as you are capturing people in their natural state. A street photographer can be seen as an extension of the flâneur. A  flâneur is a french noun that is an act of strolling with all of its accompanying associations. It is to “wander with no purpose”.

Examples of street photography;



Candid photography is a photo captured without creasing a posed appearance. Photos like these can be achieved in many ways such as, when the subject is moving, avoiding prior preparation with the subject, by surprising the subject or by not being a distraction to the subject during the process of taking the photos. The photographer has to work with the lighting they are presented with and the environment they are in.  When taking a candid photo camera are normally quite small and black as it avoids disturbing the subject.

Here are examples of candid photography;


Bruce Gilden is a well known American street photographer who captured close ups of people on the streets of New York. Gilden didn’t care if he annoyed people out on the street whilst taking his photos, he had the confidence to take a photo and carry on with his day even if he had to deal with conflict from the people in his photos. He used flash whilst taking these photos, to really help capture the detail and facial expression of his subject. His images are also in black and white which really draws attention to the subjects facial expressions and what they look like. Gilden photographed a variety of different people to show the type of people around New York. Here are a few of his photos that I enjoyed looking at;



I didn’t enjoy street photography as I found it awkward and uncomfortable of taking candid photos of strangers. Also when taking most of my photos I struggled to get the sharp focused images, so most of my images where blurry, along with either too dark or over exposed. This experiment gave me a feel of a different type of genre of photography and has taught me different techniques.



Taking street photography was very nerve-raking as you had to take photos of strangers, and some of them may have not wanted you too. The struggles I had during this shoot as trying to get steady images that were in focus and sharp ,whilst maintaining the correct settings, this was hard as I was always on the go, quickly trying to snap something before the moment was too late. I found street photography pressurizing but it was lots of fun.

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