Arnold Newman – Alfred Krupp

Emotional Response When I first saw this I really liked the photo,                                                        this was because of the contrast between the                                                    light and the dark, in terms of the foreground                                                    and the background. I also like the the way                                                          that Newman has captured that depth of the                                                      photo. I also quite like the symmetry as Krupp                                                    is in the center of the shot, and how the                                                                  Pillars also create that nice line of symmetry                                                      down the sides.

Visual: Visually this photo is very appealing to the eye, as there are                     nice lines of symmetry vertically down. This gives the                                   portrait a spooky/eerie feel to it. Within the photo the way                       the facial expression has been presented and the way he is                       holding his hands makes him look very sinister, with this in                       topic, there doesn’t seem to be any parts of beauty, only a                         dark, depressing background.

Technical: I feel like the first thing that you are drawn to in this                                      portrait is Krupp’s eyes, this gives you an all round feel of                          the photo. The lighting has been very well balanced with                            the use of natural lighting in the background, and on                                      Krupp’s face with the aid of a smaller light, possibly a                                    lamp giving him that glow/lit up feature on his face and                               forehead.

Conceptual: This photo was taken in 1963 by Jewish photographer                                 Arnold Newman. At first Newman was hesitant with                                     taking this photo as Krupp was a well known helper                                       with Nazi’s in World War II, using his company in which                               he took over from his father as slave labor camp in                                         order top make weapons in aid to help the Nazis in                                         their seek for world domination in World War II. When                               taking this photo Newman tried to make Krupp as                                           sinister looking as possible to show the world and                                          expose him in what he did during the difficult times.

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