4. Street Photography

Street photography is photography conducted for art or enquiry that features unmediated chance encounters and random incidents within public places.

Street Photography is a sub-genre of photojournalism…

Street photography does not necessitate the presence of a street or even the urban environment. The concept of the “flaneur” or people watcher is often referred to…as is the candid portrait.
Henri Cartier-Bresson

Blog Post 1 : Define, describe and explain street photography.

And what is a candid photograph?

Include images, moodboards, hyperlinks to relevant articles and URLs and add a video or two on street photography…

  • Add quotes about street photography

Blog Post 2 :

Henri Cartier – Bresson and

“The Decisive Moment”

Create a blog post / case study about HenriCartier-Bresson that includes…

  • Brief biography
  • Mood-board of key images
  • Select one image and apply Technical | Visual | Contextual | Conceptual analysis
  • His contribution to MAGNUM Photo Agency
  • Add any other relevant research / insights

Then Compare and Contrast Cartier- Bresson to one (or more) of the following street photographers…

  • William Klein
  • Diane Arbus
  • Vivian Maier
  • Robert Frank
  • Bruce Gilden
  • Martin Parr
  • Saul Leiter
  • William Eggleston
  • Gordon Parks
  • John Bulmer
  • Trent Parke
  • Garry Winogrand
  • Raghubir Singh
  • Lee Friedlander
  • Joel Meyerowitz
  • Tony Ray-Jones
  • Bill Owens

Discuss in detail the differences / similarities / intentions / outcomes and of course the photographer’s technical and visual approach.

Bill Owens
William Klein

Technique : Taking street photographs

  • Be more aggressive
  • Get more involved (talk to people)
  • Stay with the subject matter (be patient)
  • Take simpler pictures
  • See if everything in background relates to subject matter
  • Vary compositions and angles more
  • Be more aware of composition
  • Don’t take boring pictures!
  • Get in closer (use 50mm lens or less)
  • Watch camera shake (shoot 250 sec or above)
  • Don’t shoot too much!!!
  • Not all eye level : try holding the camera at waist level
  • No middle distance

Article on Trent Parke’s Techniques


Article On Japanese Street Photography below


Bruce Gilden


‘What do artists do all day?’ – Dougie Wallace, Featured on BBC. from Wren Agency on Vimeo.

Think | Answer | Discuss

  • What are you expecting to see / encounter on your photo-shoot?
  • How do you think you will deal / cope with your expectations?
  • Can you devise a photo-shoot plan for street photography?
  • What would include / exclude in your plan?

Suitable locations to position yourself…

  • airport
  • school
  • bus station
  • cafe
  • restaurant
  • street corners
  • road crossings
  • shopping centres
  • supermarkets
  • markets
  • harbour terminal
  • school





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