13. Arnold Newman:

Arnold Newman was an American photographer who was born in New York City on March 3rd 1918. Newman was best known for his environmental portrait photography.

Alfred Krupp portrait:


In 1963, Newman  photographed German factory owner, Alfred Krupp whom helped make weapons for the Nazis during the second World war.


Newman took this photo in this way to make it look like Krupp was in charge. The image also has a green hue to it that makes Krupp look rather menacing and evil.


It is clear that Newman has used a wide-angle lens to capture this image. The photo is also symmetrical and the green lighting shows off the intimidating nature of Krupp.


The photo shows an old man (Krupp) with his hands intertwined. The man has his chin resting on his hands. On his face is a grin that makes him look evil. The image shows the man in an old factory that is used to manufacture trains.

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