Arnold Newman Image Analysis


Alifred Krupp


He gives off an unsettling feeling due to his intimidating look – the way he is looking at the camera and leaning on his hands. The initial emotion from this image is negative due to the way the man has come across, due to his expressions and the dark colour in the image.


The camera was set at eye level, to be able to get a strong connection with the subject. The subject is centered to create a stronger look in the image as more symmetrical. There is also a large depth of field as there is a big background that is also within the frame and more or less in focus along with the main subject in the photo.


There is an old man in the center, with little hair but the hair that remain is white/grey which shows the age of the man. His hands are clasped together and he is leaning on his elbows with his chin just resting on top of his knuckles. His eyes are penetrating into the camera lens, along side this his face as little expression in it, it is very neutral, almost like he is thinking/planning something. He is a faded dark grey suit which suggest he is important or dressed for an important event. The dark colours throughout the image suggest that there is something more deep and meaningful in this image that we have to figure out.


Newman had the idea of presenting evil within this image and to expose Alifred Krupp for the toxic person he was.


Krupp, who was a man who produced transport and material for the Nazi’s wanted a portrait of himself, so he contacted Newman for one but not knowing he was Jewish. When Krupp found out he refused to let Newman take his photos but Krupp was slowly persuaded by Newman’s phenomenal portfolio and he was then allowed to photograph him. Newman being the great photographer he was took it upon himself to portray Krupp for who he really was and he successfully did this through his image.


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