Environmental portraits 

“An environmental portrait is a portrait executed in the subject’s usual environment, such as in their home or workplace, and typically illuminates the subject’s life and surroundings. The term is most frequently used of a genre of photography.” (Wikipedia)

Mood Board

Arnold Newman

Arnold Newman was an American photographer, noted for his environmental portraits.  He was born 3 March 1918, and started to make 48 cent portraits in 1938 which led onto him purchasing and creating his own business in Miami Beach during 1945. Due to his careers taking a massive turn in this year he then decided to re locate to New York in 1946 due to there being more opportunities. He was very successful in New York and ended up being well known for his work of portraits and abstract still life pictures.

Newman’s environmental images were black and white based and all have different stories which are portrayed through the models facial expressions during the time the image was taken.

His images tended to be taken from lots of different angles and focused a lot of the coloring of the background in contrast to the subject matter of the model. In all his images the models are always facing forward to the camera which gives the audience a clear understanding of whats happening in the image.



In this image there is a clear showing of how the man is feeling due to him facing directly forward with his face fully shown. The background of the image helps us to understand that this man in the photograph is a conductor due to the instruments and the prop he has in his left hand which is known as a baton and makes his role more convincing.  The conductors facial expressions and the environment he is in  suggests to the audience that the conductor is tired/ stressed/ drained and bored which helps the audience to relate to the situation .

This image has been taken at  a higher level rather than a even face level which helps to capture the full background while the black and white effect helps to add more tone to the background in contrast to the subject matter.


Planning my Photo shoot 

In these photographs  will be using multiple models in their natural environment. I will be capturing them doing normal tasks they would carry out. Most of the images will be taken midday under artificial lighting. I will be using manual focus in all my images to ensure i can change the ISO, shutter speed, the focus and the white balance.

Contact sheets 


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