Overall in this project I have been able to experiment and explore the different ways that I can create abstract photography as well as learning the different types of camera skills I can use to generate those photographs. I feel I have been able to develop my photographs across the whole project well and have kept the fluidity of the project as I produced more photo shoots and experiments over the course. Into the next project I will try to get more photographs during my photo shoots as I feel this was something I had struggled with in this project and something that I can develop and would be helpful into the next coming, this will mean I have more options and more to experiment with, which will help me as I move through the next projects. I feel that I have tried to show my development of my skills and the development of my photographs and the project as they have develop. Something I feel I could do better would be to have more fluidity in the photographs I am taking and how I develop them. I feel at some points in the project I could’ve taken some more risks with the photographs I was taking and being a bit more experimental would’ve helped and this is something I will try to do into the next project.
Final Displays
Overall I am happy with the way my final photographs turned out and how I was able to display them. For my A3 and A5 image I feel they worked well as I contrasted them together as the different sizes but also the different takes on abstract. In the future I may try to explore more creative ways to display my photographs, I started to try and experiment with this with the tracing paper over my A4 display however I feel I could have found more ways to try and display my photographs in more creative ways and one way I will be able to improve this is to have more photographs taken during my shoots so that I can give myself a wider variety. I am happy with the way the editing of my A3 photograph turned out and this is something I will take forward and try to experiment with more.
A4 Display
A5 and A3 Display