After the final prints came through I began to experiment with ways to explore the out of focus photographs I had produced. To do this I am layering tracing paper in different ways to create different effects with the final photographs when they are displayed.
Layering Tracing Paper
For a first experiment I tried layering up the tracing paper over my final photographs to produce and even more out of focus photograph for effect. I experimented with layering one layer and then two layers of the tracing paper to see what different effects it can create while still being able to understand and see the photograph.

One Layer

Two Layers

Two Layers
Using Shapes
For this I began to experiment with ways in which I could place the tracing paper over my final photographs in different shapes to create different effects. Similar to the ‘Conceal and Reveal’ experiments on Photoshop it is experimenting with hiding and editing certain parts of the photographs to give them certain effects.

Using Triangles

Using Squares
Cutting Away Shapes
This is the same as the ‘Conceal and Reveal’ experiments as it uses the idea of putting a layer over the photograph and then removing certain parts of the layer to reveal the photograph underneath. I am doing the same hear using tracing paper and cutting shapes out as to reveal parts of the photograph. Some parts are more out of focus than others due to the tracing paper creating another layer of opacity making the image more difficult to see underneath.

Cutting Away Shapes