Francis Bruguière: Compare and Contrast

Bruguière was an American photographer who moved to London in 1928 where he began to experiment with non-representational photography, part of this was him starting to create his cut paper photographs.  Bruguière  exploits the endless subtle qualities of both paper and light, manipulating both in order to create complex patterns of texture and form.  Throughout his life he experimented with multiple exposures which is something he explored throughout his work.
Francis Bruguière
Own Work | Francis Bruguière

Above is one of my own photographs from the shoot of ‘Photographing paper’ alongside one of Francis Bruguière own work.  In comparison to each other they have two different takes however they have some similarities with each other and they way they were photographed.  Both my own and Bruguière photographs seem to be using artificial light in order to create effect of light, tone and shadows and this is a similarity they both have with each other.   Bruguière looks and the texture of the paper by cutting it and folding them into each other this creates smooth textures of the paper whereas with my own image I experimented with folding and creasing the paper to create texture and to explore this, both takes are exploring texture but in two different ways with the paper.  Bruguière’s work shows a toned down exposure to some of his other work and is a lot darker when compared to my own work which is a lot brighter due to the white artificial light used creating a brighter photograph.


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