I have decide to experiment With shutter speed and Aperture and depth of field. I have included some examples to show my response to the task.
The Image above is a picture I took with the objectives above however I decided to edit it as it was too dark and you couldn’t see what was in the picture so below I decided to change the brightness and contrast so you can see what is in the picture. Personally I think that the outcome is better than the original photo however I don’t think it would be classed as abstract photography as their is to much to focus on in the image.
Here is another example of shutter speed and aperture
I like this image as you can see that it gets out of focus at the back of the image. For example you can see that the board closest is in focus however after that point it is out focus I am happy with the outcome of this photo so I haven’t decided to edit this photo as I think that the lighting is alright for this picture.