Threshold Experimentation: Keld Helmer-Peterson:

Mood Board

Keld Helmer-Peterson

Keld Helmer-Petersen was a Danish photographer who achieved widespread international recognition in the 1940s and 1950s for his abstract photographs.
Peterson typically uses natural daylight in his photographs. However the vast contrast on the subects and the backgrounds in his images gives off the impression that he uses the threshold tool in photoshop, even though that wasnt physically possible because the first personal computer was invented in 1975. Petersons work has a strong tone, with both the light and dark contrasting eachother. Peterson was thought to have an obsession with line as it is often a major feature in his work. Also many patterns appear in his work, especially phoyographs involving buildings and structures.
Here is an example of Peterson's work:

My Interperatation:

These are screenshots of some of the photos I took in my shoot. I went to both indoor and outdoor locations and took photos of images I thought looked interesting and aesthetically pleasing.

Here are the images I selected for manipulation and my final image:

I then manipulated these images using photoshop. I cropped them into squares then applied the threshold tool and adjusted them until I got the result I wanted. I also rotates some of the images to distort the feeling of the final piece. I feel these images are both a reflection of Peterson's work, however there is an obvious indication that I have also inputted my own creativity into these images. Here is my final image:


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