Colour and Texture- Research

Colour photography is photography that uses media capable of reproducing colours. By contrast, black and white (monochrome) photography records only a single channel of luminance (brightness) and uses media capable only of showing shades of grey.

Texture is the perceived surface quality if a work of art. It is an element of two dimensional and three dimensional designs and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with other elemental design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.


Texture in photography can be used to create strong images in an architectural and structural way like this

It can be used to show off the beauty and different surface feelings of nature, like this


It can even be used to show the certain characteristics and age of a person like this

I like this type of photography as it allows you to have more freedom over the camera as you can use both auto and manual focus, letting you get as close or as far away from the subject as you want or need to be. It also means that anything can be your subject as anything and everything has a different surface and texture.


I also like the use of Colour photography as it can be original or edited to have a great outcome. There are many different types of ways you can have an outcome of photography. You can have multiple or the same colours in your original photoshoot, you can add a layer of colour on top of the frame during editing or even make the whole frame black and white and only select specific parts of the photo to have colour.


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