White Balance

White balance is a camera setting where you are able to choose the best colour setting for taking pictures in your location so you are able to get the colour in your pictures as accurate as possible.  On my specific camera there were 5 different options; Auto, Tungsten, florescent, daylight, cloudy and flash.

Auto is the automatic mode where the camera will decide which mode is the best based on where you are shooting. Tungsten is mostly used to shoot indoors under household lighting, as it  usually cools down a picture. I noticed that the florescent mode warmed up my images. Daylight mode makes your images have a fairly normal white type of filter. The cloudy mode made my images look similar, except it warmed it up slightly more.  Usually when you take pictures using flash, it can make your images turn out quite white and washed out. The flash white balance warms your images up a bit more to reverse this.

When taking images using certain WB settings, its important to have the correct shutter speed. If its too slow, your images turn out too overexposed. This happened while i was experimenting with my images, as you are able to see from my contact sheet.


Here is a video which further explains White Balance:

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