All posts by Maksymilian K



Final Presentation

I have decided that I will first back my images with foam board and present them on a piece of black card in 3 different configurations. This will leave 2 images that I liked however didn’t fit with the image sets.

I chose the images to group together based on color palette, composition as well as the tonal balance of the images.

I chose not to include this image in the 3 compositions since I found it too dissimilar from the other images. I also didn’t want to change the orientation of the piece as I thought it would take away from the strong shapes in the image.

I found this image too similar to one of my A3 prints to include in the compositions. It also wouldn’t fit on the black card in my original compositions. This was another image in which i didn’t want to change the orientation.

Editing (Example)

Editing of the images was primarily done in Light room. Since the images were shot in raw, light room allows for a lot of control over the images in the shoot.

Above I have attached the setting used in light room to retouch this image. I decided to Marginally lower the exposure on the image to better capture some of the details on the brighter parts of the photo. The contrast and highlights were also brought up in order to help show detail without introducing grain through the use of sharpening. The shadows were also brought up as I had felt as though I had lost some of the detail in the dark portions of the photo. Whites were then also brought up in order to further increase contrast. I used lens correction in order to preserve the shape of the camera. I also decided to remove chromatic aberration in order to preserve the color palette of the image.

Image Selection

Of the images taken in these photo shoots I have decided that I will be editing the 14 images attached above. The photos were all taken under natural lighting using an ISO of 100 and varying the shutter speed. The aperture varied between F4.5 and 5.6. Focal length varied between 24 and 55mm.

IMG_4782: I like the composition of the image and believe that the blue string will create a good contrast from the rest of the image.

IMG_4786: Similarly I like the turquoise color of the cord in this photo. I also like the out of focus fence in the foreground allowing the color of the cord to cut through.

IMG_4788: This image also features strong blue tones with similar composition to the previous images.

IMG_ 4810: I like this image because of how the lighting allows texture to be displayed in a relatively flat surface.

IMG_4811: I like the image composition and depth of field in the image, i believe it is somewhat similar in composition to some of Paul Grahams works.

IMG_4815: I like the image composition and depth of field in the image, i believe it is somewhat similar in composition to some of Paul Grahams works.

IMG_4824: I like the depth of color in this image as well as the strong shapes created by the trailer resulting in an interesting composure with the flowers interwoven in the structure.

IMG_4829: I like the strong shapes in the image as well as the wide range of colors and texture shown in the fence post.

IMG_4834: I chose this image as I like the strong shapes of the rebar and barbed wire. I also like the strong contrast it creates with the almost white background.

IMG_4839: Similarly to the previous image I like the strong contrast with the sky as well as the strong shapes formed by the chain link fence.

IMG_4842: I like the amount of detail in this image as well as the color palette.

IMG_4843: I like the strong angular shapes formed in this image as well as the strong contrast. I believe that this image somewhat resembles the work of Luigi Ghirri.

IMG_4853: I like the strong tonal contrast in this image as well as the depth of the texture on the surfaces.

IMG_4861: I like the composition of this image partly due to the similarity of the composition of the opening images to the first shoot as I believe that it helps to tie the whole collection together.

Photo-shoot Plan

Technical: I will try to stick to an ISO of 100 in order to minimize grain and so I will vary the shutter speed in order to achieve the desired exposure, thus I will use a tripod for any images with a shutter speed slower than 1/50. I will use an F stop between 5.0 and 5.6. I will try to keep the lens length around 50 mm to get a noticeable depth of field. The photos will all be primarily taken using natural lighting however some unnatural lighting elements may be included in the photography.

Where: I will photograph various locations with elements fitting my studied photographers. This will include a construction site and a waste management center.

What: I will be photographing various physical boundaries as well as boundaries put in place by the law (such as signs prohibiting various behaviors).

When: I will be conducting this photo-shoot around 4pm in order to avoid hash lighting. I will also take these photos with a grey sky in order to keep my options for color correction open, i also believe this will closer resemble the works of Paul Graham.

Editing – Journeys And Pathways Test Shoot

Some of my best images of the shoot were close up, almost macro photography and as such I have cropped them to emphasize the best qualities of the composition. I increased the exposure on most of the images as they were taken in the CR2 format and thus were rather dark. I also experimented with the color more than normal as I chose to carry out this photo shoot around noon with a grey sky, this resulted in images with flat lighting which allow colors to be easily adjusted. Individual colors had their hue, saturation and luminance manually adjusted. Other general edits include removing chromatic aberration and accounting for any distortion caused by the lens using light rooms lens correction filters.

Photo-shoot Plan

Where: I will be taking photos along my house off of Beaumont road.

What: I will be photographing various barriers including fences, stop signs, no entry signs etc. I will attempt to include an aspect of Paul Graham’s style into these photos.

When: I will be taking these photos at mid-day in order to produce a flat lighting which will allow for more options when editing the photos.