All posts by Krystian S



Framing prints

The following are photos of my prints after I have framed them.

This is a photo of one of my displays; I stuck two A4 and one A5 photo onto foam board, then cut out empty sections to emphasise the focus of the images.
This photo shows the thickness of the foam board.
For this display I cut out three A5 photos and stuck them onto foam board, then stuck them onto black card with equal spacing between them.
Again, this photo shows the thickness of the foam board which the images are stuck onto.
This display was made just like the previous one with foam board and black card, except these photos are printed with a gloss finish.
For this display I have used three A4 photos. They have been stuck onto white card and cut out, then stuck onto a larger piece of black card with equal spacing between them. These photos also have a gloss finish to them.
This photo shows how the white card is much thinner than foam board, but still raises the photos above the surface of the black card.

The following 2 images are of two more images which I have just stuck onto foam board due to running short of time, they are also printed with a gloss finish.

Fourth photo shoot – editing the images

First I wanted to remove the colour in the bottom of the picture, so I selected the area I wanted to remove it from.
Next I applied the black&white filter to remove the colour from that area.
Next I cropped the photo to remove unnecessary blank space from the photo.
Then I rotated the photo to make it more symetrical.
The next step was to apply filters, here I have used the ‘levels’ tool in order to make the midtones of the photo darker.
Finally I used the ‘curves’ tool to add a small amount of contrast to the photo.
This is the edited image. Removing the colour from the bottom of the photo redirects the viewers attention as there is no longer any colour attracting it. Cropping and rotating the photo helps make it appear fuller as there is no empty space around the edges. The filters make the whole photo pop more, an example would be the headlights, they are more colourful and clear colour is visble in the main bulbs.

Fourth photo shoot

This photo shoot took place over 2 days, but the bulk of the photos are from the first day; which were taken after sunset to add effect to the lights of the car. There is one image that isn’t from this shoot as it was just a test image to make sure everything is in working order.

These are all the images from that photo shoot:

Photo Gallery

This is a virtual photo gallery I have created for this project from some of my final images.

It is split up into three sections of photos grouped together based on their similarity. The first group on the left are in pairs of photos with similar colour grading and of similar objects, these being an engine and a gear selector.

I have chosen to put the middle photo on its own as its colour grading and effects don’t match those of my other final images.

The group on the right consists of the same original photo which has been edited in three different ways. One being filters and colour grading, another being colour mapping and masking, and the final being posterizing.