Action Plan for Final Piece

My plan of action is to find some childhood photos and to either rework into them, completely replicate them, or recreate them but tweak some details. After I have manipulated and printed them off I will then rework into them using a number of methods including, cutting them, collaging, sewing into them, layering them, and drawing into them. 

To get these images, I will find childhood photos of myself/my family, then conduct a number of mini shoots of taking a couple of photos to recreate some of the childhood images and then manipulate them using adobe lightroom. I'm not going to recreate all of the childhood images as some of them need to be reworked into to display their significant meaning.

When recreating the images, I will be using the images as reference, but will make different arrangements and adaptations to display the change and the journey of life. Also not all of the images will be able to be taken in the same location because some of them were taken in foreign countries for instance when I lived in Ireland there were photos taken that I cannot identically recreate unless I fly over to where I once lived.

For everybody, every day is a new experience and my project is based on the journey of life, and how time affects every individual and how everybody's experiences shape them into the person they have become today.

Once I have reworked into my images, I will then frame them in both old and new frames to show the diffrences between time.

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