Overall, I feel that this project, developed from the title “Journeys & Pathways” has been a success. I feel like my approach to the project and final ideas fit appropriately with the brief given, and I feel that they represent an original and intriguing take on the brief itself.
My ideas developed throughout the beginning of the project, and I was able to settle on 3 very different yet individually distinct and strong ideas, that I would develop in order to produce a range of final outcomes that match with the brief for “Journeys & Pathways”. My ideas included 3 different styles of photo-shoot and ideas, and these were:
- The concept of being on the wrong journey/path
- How people develop and change over the course of time
- The concept of life being short, delicate, and ultimately futile
I feel that all 3 of these ideas and the concepts behind them fit well with the “Journeys & Pathways” brief, as they all fit the theme of following a subject on a journey, and documenting their progress through that journey.
In terms of my images themselves, I feel like they have the correct ratio of camera skill to editing, and I feel like the editing that I have included enhances certain aspects of the original image, rather than completely altering the image or distracting from the subjects and overall meaning. I feel like the different ideas and photo-shoots show a variety of skills, for example the idea including a subject “falling through” the wrong scene includes more editing in order to show the subject as disconnected from the background, whereas the photo-shoot that involved recreating archival images used less editing, and more skill surrounding the camera angle and the position of the subjects within the frame was used. I feel that, overall, this project has allowed me to experiment with a range of skills from editing to camera skills, which I feel I have successfully shown throughout the process.
My final images have all been chosen based on a variety of factors, such as the quality of the image, the quality of the editing, and the way in which it can be used to convey the correct meaning when displayed in a physical format. I have produced a range of final images that will be displayed in a variety of ways, from together in a series, to individually, in order to best showcase the images, to best present their link to the “Journeys & Pathways” brief.
To conclude, I feel like the “Journeys & Pathways” project has been a success. I feel like I have been able to effectively stick to the brief, while showcasing a range of skills. I also feel that my final images effectively convey the meaning they were originally intended to, and I am pleased with the final outcomes of my project.