For my third photo shoot in response to The New Topographics, I decided to capture images in Stephen Shore’s photography style. He was known for his use of colour in photographs to increase the sense of detachment. Shore would often photograph intersections and roadside landscape.
I captured several images of the roadside landscape in Mojacar. All the images depict how man has altered the land by damaging vegetation and constructing roads. The combination of nature and urban development emphasise the concept of man having control over the landscape.
Once I selected the best images on the contact sheet, I downloaded them onto my phone and added the filter vivd warm because of the intense warm effect. This replicates Stephen Shore’s use of colour in his photographs and the film effect. The filter also intensifies the blue sky making the image appear vintage along with the grain.
Contact Sheet
Final Outcomes
My final outcomes have been successful because they reflect the control and power humans have over the landscape. The images depict a landscape altered by humans and reflect the growing unease about how the natural landscape is being eroded by urban growth. Works labelled The New Topographic show the relationship between man and nature through the photographic documentation of anthropogenic influences upon the land and scenes of suburban sprawl. The banal aesthetic can also be seen through the simple compositions of my photographs. The barren nature of the landscape in the southeast corner of Spain emphasise the monotonous uniformity of the urban features laid upon it.