Ledger’s My version
Differences: To begin, Ledger’s work (left) was taken on real film between the late 90s/00s whereas I edited mine (right) to look more like real film even though it was taken in 2019 on an iPhone. I added a filter and increased the graininess. His original photo is black and white and he has added colour with paints,etc unlike mine which was a crisp colour photo which I later added a filter onto. The facial expressions are also different. in my opinion neither look staged, especially as in Ledger’s, the woman is presumably just looking out the window and half smiling: this seems like a natural pose. In mine, the pose seems slightly forced because my friend is looking directly into the camera and doing a hand gesture. However this isn’t the case. I actually just took out my phone and randomly took a photo of her because I liked the lighting and background, then pulled that pose as a joke.
Similarities: The first Ledger-style edit I made to my photo was adding the dots on the forehead and in the background, this is because I really liked the way it looked on his and tied it all together. I also like just the simple sap green colour as it gives off a hippie-like vibe, with all earthy colours. Next I decided to fill in some of the background with yellow acrylic paint like Ledger has done in his, just to add more colour and block out unnecessary things in the background, I also did with this with a pink marker to add another medium and texture into the mix. The last thing I did inspired by him was using the white ink to scratch into the paper and frame the figure. I also added some to the shiny parts of her hair and some coming off her head as I thought that looked cool.
Overall, I did really like how my set of images turned out, I think I researched into Ledger enough and acknowledge the methods and mediums that he used to create these, but also added in my own personal touches, drawings etc. of what I wanted aswell.