Final images – layout

For my final images, i’ve decided to plan out how i’m going to be placing the pictures, and how i’m going to present them.

A5 images:

For these 6 images, I was originally going to stick them onto a large cube, however since i wasn’t able to make the cube in time, i decided i was going to stick them onto a large piece of card instead, in descending order like shown in above. However, i had the images on the left more elevated then the others, which made it resemble stepping stones.


For this image, I decided I would cut it up into 6 strips, and then stick them to a small piece of black board, with each piece becoming higher and higher as it went along, since I stuck pieces of card together to create this effect. I did this to make it similar to stairs.


For these images, I decided the best I could do was to cut out window cuts into a large piece of card, and place them into the cut outs. Since one of the images was longer than the other one, I decided to place it underneath, giving it a neater and nicer look.

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