My Recreations of my Images

These are the selection of images that I will use as my final piece. After manipulating the images on adobe lightroom and adjusting settings such as contrast, vibrancy, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, cropping, changing to monochrome, saturation, vibrancy and clarity. 

The first two images that I have inserted below are similar to the original image in terms of the subjects are both holding animals in both the old and recreated photo, a similar(ish) stance is also replicated in the new photos and the emotions/ facial expressions are similar. The images are of my dad. My dad has always shared a love for animals, and these images clearly portray that. Unfortunately animals don't tend to have a long life span, however these images show that although death occurs, life can also begin as other animals are brought into their lives.

For the images of my dad, the original image was taken on his travels in Australia. There aren't any koala bears in Jersey anyway, however I still wanted to replicate my dad holding an animal so I thought it was best fit that I recreated him holding my dog Salty instead. I like the colour scheme in both the images, it's almost like the denim blue of my dads shirt in the first image swapped with the background of the recreational image, and the white background of the original image swapped onto my dads t-shirt in the recreational image. I also like how both the koala bear and the dog are looking in the same direction. I also took this photo on my iPhone 7.
I decided not to recreate this image of myself, my sister and my grandma, and instead just simply rework into the image. I am inspired by Carole Benitah's 'à la plage'. Especially the cut out of the figures in it. What I plan to do is to cutout my grandma from the image, then sew around her cut out. I will also get a separate piece of paper and place glitter on it. I will then glue the photo on top of the paper so only the cutout of my grandma will display the glitter. My reasoning for doing this is that I want to expand on the negative space. My grandma was also a very glamorous lady, and the glitter can display some elements of that glitter. My reasoning for cutting out my grandma  is that she has now passed away, and although she is in that photo, the loss of her feel like there's almost a hole that's missing from my childhood.
A manipulated image of myself, my sister and my grandma when I was a young child.
For this recreation image, I decided to take some elements of the original image, but change up the image as well. I decided to change the subjects in the image to our family friends, I also changed the location of the image - the original image was taken in Ireland, to our family friends garden, I also changed the angle of the shot to a one closer to both the subjects and to the ground. I like how there are trees in both of the image as it shows that all children no matter what age of time still like playing outside in gardens. I also like how the element of playfulness remains in both images and the innocence that remains in the recreation image. I took this photo with a DSLR camera and used a 50mm lens. 
For this final piece I am incorporating a few elements. I recreated my mum with my little sister, however I decided to keep the school photo of myself and my sister and will be cutting us out with a Stanley knife and then inserting ourselves into the recreational image. I'm doing this because both of the photos of me were taken at a similar time, and I remember meeting my little sister almost like it was recently. Therefore although time has changed and my little sister has grown up, the memory is still fresh and young in my mind. To take the photo I used an iPhone 7. 

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