I decided that I wanted to narrow down my 23 images that came from the contact sheet down as I didn’t want more than 10 images from this shoot.
The way that I decided which images to keep was if there was more than one image showing the same scene but either with small changes or a different focal point i would choose from them. I would also see some that might not fit the style of romanticism, this means some that are a bit dark and gloomy from the marshlands would be out.
Here are the images that I chose:
1 2 3 4 [portrait] 5 6 7 8 [portrait] 9 10
- I selected image one because it was the best exposed image from the few that were taken in the mountain and partly because it has the large lens flares in the top section.
- This image just has a nice composition and shows the beach and the sun without having too much going on within it so it doesn’t distract the viewer from the main focus of the image.
- I used this image because it has the fallen tree on the top and another below it to create a kind of frame that draws the viewers attention to the center of the photo, the problem that I have is that is was quite dark and I had to use a wide aperture meaning that it doesn’t reflect Adams work amazingly but i still feel that it follows the theme of Romanticism.
- This image is inspired by the work that Adams did with close ups of small things like flowers and pine cones, once again I have contrasted Adams work by having a relatively blown out background because it was dark and and I didn’t have space to use a tripod.
- This image was taken with the intent of showing the reflection of the trees on the pond that was below it.
- This image is the reverse of image 3 (looking through the same hole but the other way) it also has a different style of ‘frame’ as the ivy is drooping down into the center of the image. It also has a shallow depth of field so the background it not perfectly in view.
- This image is taken to show the Romanticism in the sea and the coastline, I have achieved this by framing the rock in the front of the frame and having the rough sea and the waves crashing against the rock in the left of the frame. There is also a small development fault in the middle of the frame that can only be seen properly in print.
- This image shows the drama in the sea and then there is a lot of detail in the plants in the bottom left of the frame there is also also of groups of rocks in the sea and there are some small development in the empty sea on the right of the image. At the top of the image there is a large area of light leakage which also follows onto the next frame.
- In this photo there is a lot going on but the things that are happening are simple and nothing too over dramatic so there is a lot of subtle detail for the viewer to explore. Some of the aspects of the image are: two curved light leaks on the left, rough-ish sea, waves hitting the rocks, small development fault below the light leakage on the left and finally there is a small lens flare in the top middle section of it.
- Once again this image shows the waves the rocks and some plant s but what sets this one apart is there is a large scratch in the middle right of the image it helps draw attention to the rocks and the waves. This was also taken with a high aperture so the rock in the front is in focus and sharp and so are the rocks in the distance where the waves are crashing.